Ch. 5 The Attack

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At 9 am Lucy got out of bed. Her morning routine was simple. Get up, shower, eat, clean, and go off. But now, she had something to look forward too! Going to a guild again. But in the shower, Lucy couldn't shake the feeling something was off. Like something bad would happen. After Lucy realized she forgot to get groceries, and a hit to the head, she ate a strawberry and left. Lucy was wearing black tights with small grey shorts, a white tank top with a black crop top sweatshirt with white on the sleeves, and black ankle boots. Lucy had put her hair up in a high ponytail and her celestial keys and wip on her belt. It was almost 10 when Lucy left for Sabertooth. I'll have to get a map of Cloverdale soon do I don't get lost. Lucy couldn't help herself but to look at her new guild mark. I wonder how the other members are going to react. On her way, many people smiled and waved to Lucy as she did the same back. Lucy stood at the big doors and took a deep breath, and stepped in.

The few people that were at the guild last night waved and said hello to Lucy as the other members looked at her shock. Lucy ignored the stares and went to the bar to talk to Minerva. Last night, Lucy found out Minerva was Mira and Erza in one. Minerva could be kind and caring one minute, and the next a she-demon. Lucy sat down on a stool and waited for Minerva. "Ah Lucy! Glad to see you came today! What can I get you??" Minerva asked the smiling blonde. "Hi Minerva! I actually can't stay long! But I'll take a strawberry smoothie please!" Minerva nodded her head and went to the kitchen. The guild was in slight shock at how happy Minerva was, and that Lucy had that effect. As soon as Minerva got back with Lucy's smoothie, the guild doors opened to show three people and two globs on the shoulders of two. But Lucy was to invested with her conversation with Minerva to notice.

Stings pov

Ugh. Yukino made us get up early to go to the guild. She said there's someone she has to see or something like that. As we're walking there Yukino was practically bouncing up and down. "I am never waking this early again!" I complained. Rouge just walked with a small smile while looking at Yukino. That's right, he has a thing for Yukino. I just rolled my eyes. "Dude, stop smiling, you look creepy." I couldn't help it. Frosch said a small "Fro thinks so too." He was about to reply when Yukino almost squealed at the sight of Sabertooth. That's when I smelt something off. There's a new scent. Guess I want the only one that noticed it. "Sting, do you smell that?" Rouge asked. "Mh, smells like strawberries and vanilla." Lector was on my shoulder whining about being hungry. Can't blame him though, Yukino practically dragged us out of the apartment. I know I've smelt this scent before. As we stood in front of the doors, Yuikino pushed both open and everyone looked at us. Before we could walk in, Yukino run to the bar.

3rd person

Lucy turned slightly to see Yukino run up to her. "Yukino!!" Lucy greeted the white haired mage. "Hello Lucy-san!! I hope you found the guild okay!" Lucy nodded her head. "Hai, I did!" That's when Minerva decided to tell the guild the good news. Sting and Rouge made their way to Yukino to ask about this someone, completely obvious to the blonde sitting next to her. When suddenly, all the lights went off. The guild went into a panic. "What happened to the lights???!?" Then, the sound of glass shattering could be heard all around the guild hall. Lucy had also started to panic, and instantly thought of getting light back on. Soon, rays of sunlight came streaming into the guild wear the windows should have been. Lucy reached down to her key holder and felt for the right key. Once finding it, Lucy pulled the key put. "OPEN, Gate of the Lion, LEO!!" The sound of a clock went off and a bright light surrounded the end of the key with a puff of golden smoke appeared. There standing in the dark, was Leo, or Loke as Lucy still calls him. 

Loke new what was going on from feeling Lucy's panic and surround his right hand in a gold light. Just enough so you can see what's happening. The guild looked at Lucy in confusion and gratefulness for some light. Lucy looked around to see all the windows shattered and glass on the floor. "Lucy, there's a dark presence here." Lucy nodded her head. Unaware of all the looks shes getting. Lucy then pulled out another key. This time Sagertaures. " STAR DRESS, SAGERTAURES FORM!!" Lucy shouted. A bright golden light encased Lucy then slowly diminished leaving Lucy in a green dress and light green tights with green and gold trimmed boots. In Lucy's left hand, is a green and gold bow but no arrows. Lucy then looked alarmed and pulled her string back were an arrow made of light appeared. She aimed, then fired at the stage. When the arrow made contact with the stage, a scream went off with the lights returning. Lucy lowered her bow and Loke diminished the ball of light and got into a fighting stance. There, on the stage, is a girl with a dark blue cloak and light green hair falling out of the cloak and an arrow sticking out of her right shoulder. Two shadows then appeared on the left and right side of the girl and transformed into people with the same dark blue cloaks on. As Lucy looked closer at the cloaks, she freezed . It couldn't be. The girl reached out with her left hand and pulled the arrow out, the tip covered in her blood. The girl looked at Lucy with blood red eyes. The guild got into their fighting stances when a dark chuckle come from one of the hooded figures. "We've came to deliver a warning for Ms Heartfilia."

I am soooo sorry this came out later than I wanted it too!! I usually try to update when I'm at school and I just totally forgot. I'm sorry my little fairys! You see, my phone is like cut off from the internet unless I'm connected to wifi. I hope you all understand!!

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