Ch.10 Punishment

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Hello my little fairys!! I hope you all enjoy this chapter, since you get to see more of the Shadow Clan. And I am soooo sorry about the long wait!! I've been kinda slacking on writing and I've been busy with school and just sooo tired!

Near the Dark Woods

"W-what do you think the lady is going to do with us? We failed her after all." A girl with light purple eyes and long green hair asked to her two comrades. The boy across from her has dull blue eyes and shaggy brown hair while the other girl next to him had short black hair with bright green eyes. The boy let out a huff in announce. All he knew is that they're getting one heck of a beating from their lady. Hopefully she would go easy on them. Yeah right. He thought. "I don't know Leratta. But our goal was to send the warning, not take her powers away, yet." The girl with black hair said trying to resure Leratta. That's when the boy spoke up,"In all honesty, she might give us a punishment." The two girls looked shock at his sudden outburst. They couldn't believe what he was saying. Surely she won't punish them. They did complete the mission, but with them being easily defeated. "Z-zander, she won't punish us, right? We did what she told us to! Right?!" Leratta yelled in terror at the boy. Leratta looked towards the girl on Zanders side for an answer, but got silence. "Kira?" Leratta asked softly. "Shush. Our lady is coming." Kira shushed the girl and all three stood near a black throne. "Well, well, well. Isn't it the three musketeers." A women walked through a blue portal and behind the three. The women has long dark purple hair that almost touches the floor, and a pair of silver eyes. Her black strapless dress reached above her knees and white cloak with a snowflake pattern and a snowflake button keeping it attached. The women walked forward towards the throne. As her black high heels coached on the floor, the three bowed as she passed. The women sat down on the throne and a blue snowflake appeared from the contact of her back. The three turned to face their lady and bowed once again. "Lady Frostbite." They said in unison. Frostbite smirked at them and raised her head to look down at them. "Do you know why I summoned you three pitaful mages here today?" She paused and looke at them. "No? Then I'll tell you." Frostbite then stood up and shouted at the mages. "I summoned you all because you got caught!! I wanted you to deliver a message and attack and then LEAVE!! But you all got defeated!! Even worse! The Dragon has control of her powers again!! Shes only had them for a month and never used them until know!!!" Frostbit walked to the mages and pushed them back with her heeled foot. "Your whole attack party got caught and arrested!! For that I should kill you all!!" The three mages flinched at her words and stayed there. "But I cant do that now, can I. You lot mybnot be the most powerful, but you all serve a purpose here in my court." Frostbite took a breath and returned to her throne. "Zander." Said boy rose from the ground and kneeled for her. "I want you to set up lacrimas around the that guild Sabertooth. Go. Now." Zander replied with a 'yes m'lady' and scurried off through the ice doors. "Kira. I want you to find out as much information about where the Dragon was for the past decade and her friends and enemy's." Kira stood up and bowed to her lady and walked off into the shadows. Disappearing from site. "Leratta." Frostbite said with a gentle touch. "Stand, Leratta." The girl stood with shaking legs and looked down to the floor. Frostbites smirked grew and also stood. "You disappoint me Leratta. You went up against the Dragon and lost." She paused again to look at the girl. Frostbite then started to circle the girl like she was her prey. "You didn't even last ten minutes. For that, you will be punished." Frostbite then summoned an icicle and swiped it behind the girl.  The girl froze and looked backed in horror. Her lady had just cut her hair so it stopped at her shoulders. "You see, what kind of leader would I be if I let people off with a warning? I had to punish someone, or people would've seen me as soft. You understand don't you?" Leratta fell to the floor and faced her leader with tears in her eyes. She meekly shook her head and started to shake in fear. "Good. Now, GET OUT!" Leratta nodded her head, stood up and run out. Frostbite watched the poor girl run out returned to her throne. Stupid Dragon. "Just like I said, Lucy. You will fall. I will take everything you love. Just like you took everything I loved." She started to giggle, then that giggle turned into a laugh. A manicall laugh that soon filled the throne room.

Sooo???? What do you think?! You got to learn the peoples name, a small look at what magic Frostbite uses. Tell me what you think in the comments!! Goodbye my little fairys!!

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