Ch. 6 The Warning

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Lucy's pov

I cant believe they're here. The girl I shot cackled and stepped further and gave me a maniacal look. "Ohhhh, look at that!! The Dragon herself!! Oh oh oh, my I have a go at her?!?!" I couldn't help but but snort when she called me Dragon. The three hooded figures looked slightly taken with my snort. "I couldn't help but let a little giggle out. The Dragon. Goes I missed that name. Before the girl could make a move, the cloaked figure on her left side put his hand on the girls shoulder. "Now now, we will all be able to fight after we give them the warning." I still had my bow up in case of a sudden attack. An arrow made of stardust was in my right hand and I took a look at my surroundings. What's left of the windows are scattered on the floor with rays of light streaming through them and creating spots of light on the glass. The members of Sabertooth are all in fighting stances and their magic prepared as well. Yukino had pulled out a golden gate key but hasn't summon them yet. Rouge, who I hadn't noticed before along with Sting, had moved in front of Yukino and engulfed his hands in shadows. I am so going to tease Yukino about this later. Sting had also lit his hands. "Whats your warning?" I turned my head to look at the person who spoke. It was Sting, and he looked pissed. I look back at the attackers and glare at them. That's when the left figure starts to speak again. "Our warning is not for Sabertooth, it is for Ms. Heartfilia. We know that your seals are broken. With that, our plan to take your magic can resume. Of course, with you joining Sabertooth means you put them in the way of our plan." He pauses and looks straight at me so I can see his lifeless blue eyes. I stay silent so he can continue on with the warning. "On this day, the Shadow Clan will try everything to take away your power and your loved ones just like you took away our commanders loved one away." The boy sneered at me. That's when I lost it. I shot at the boy and shot him in the knee. "I don't know what your talking about, but if you try to hurt this guild, I will have no heastistation about killing you three." I spat at them. "Then I guess we have no choice but to attack." The girl on the right side of the middle figure states calmly. Then, all hell breaks lose. From the windows, people in cloaks jumps in, the guild doors burst open with more figures, and the members of Sabertooth run around and find people, or groups of people to fight. And what do I do? Nothing. I stand there. Seeing my friends fight at the Tatours Ark. Aquarius sacrificing herself for them. And then, her. Hearing her voice, watching her die, in my arms. I feel like screaming, crying, and worse, the magic is rising. Its been almost a month since my sealsbroke and never once felt my old magic stir until know.  I feel a sudden weight on my back and before I can blink, I'm propelled forward and land on my face. I push myself up with a groan and look at my attacker. It's the girl I had shot minutes ago. "Looks like I do get to have my fun with you Dragon. Prepare to Die!!" She yelled out and threw her cloak off. Her green hair reached midback and slightly curled at the end. Her outfit consist of brown ankle boots, knee length socks, really short black shorts with a silver belt, a black long sleeved shirt and a black vest over it. The girl cackled and kept towards me. I quickly rolled out of the way and got on my knees as my star dress disappeared and my original clothes were back. "You don't know who you're dealing with girly! If it's a fight you want, you'll GET IT!!" I yelled  at her in anger. I stood up and got into my fighting stance. All the members of Sabertooth are fighting, and I can't let them do all the work. The girl rushed towards me and a silver light came from her hands. She raised her left hand in the air and was about to hit me until I jumped out of the way. I landed a ways in front of her and noticed in her hands were silver daggers. "A re-quipp mage eh?" I said out loud. The girl giggled and pulled her dagger out of the ground. "Why yes, but I can only re-quipp weapons unlike the great Erza Scarlet that was once in Fairy Tail." I flinched at the mention of Erza and Fairy Tail. That's when I realized she was right. Erza can only re-quipp her amor and swords, this girl can re-quipp weapons. Her hands yet agin started to glow the silver color and the daggers were replaced with a sword. The handle of the sword is black with a red diamond at the hilt. The sword its self was a shiny silver color that was just beautiful to look at. I stood up straighter and held out my right hand. Unlike the girl, a black and blue light came from my hand and my own sword appeared. The handle of my sword is a white dragon with the hilt being the wings. The actual sword is a light black color. I stared at the girl as she stared back at me. At the same time we run towards the other, both letting a battle cry out. A loud clash sound went off in the air as our swords touched. I put all my strength into my arms and pushed the girl back. I lowered my right arm as I put my left arm up and chanted,"Fire Ring!" I quickly pulled my left arm down and a ring of fire surround us. The flames are high so she can't escape what's coming to her. "You're going to pay. You came here to tell me your clan is going to take my powers away," I slowly start to walk my way to the girl as she walks back as much as she could,"when I just got them back. I wasn't able to protect her back then, and I couldn't protect Fairy Tail while I could, so I'm going to protect Sabertooth! They're my family now! And I won't let you harm them!!" As 8 finished my little speech, I slashed at the girl. The girl wasn't able to defend herself and fell to the side with a scream. I went for another attack but quickly put her sword up in defense with one hand on the handle and her other hand on the point of the sword. There, on her left cheek, lays a line of blood that goes from her eye, to just above her lip. I smirked to myself as satisfaction filled my chest knowing I did that to her. I jumped back as her hands started to glow again. In her left hand is now another sword that is similar to her first one. She smirked at me probably thinking she has the upper hand, but I smirked back. I held out my left hand as another sword appeared with the black and blue light. The only difference in my sword was the dragon is black and the sword is white. I jumped forward into the air and was heading down to her while shouting,"You wanted the Dragon, so you'll get HER!!"

This chapter is over thank Mavis! I did plan on the girl being able to re-quipp her weapons and I dont have a name for her yet. That's all I have for now, so good by my little fairys!!

Tell me in the comments about how you feel about calling you guys fairys.

I decided to update it again on tg4 same day since I almost forgot to update the last chapter earlier. This is not only an apology, but a thank you. I just found out my book is number 9 in StingLu!!

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