Ch.16 Her Real Past

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《ITS FINALLY HERE!!!!! I am dedicating this chapter to @Perseverance-n because her book was one of the few that inspired me to write this book.》

Guild members scattered around to find seats and close friends. Lucy had summoned Virgo for a chair, a small dark blue cushioned rolly chair. All eyes set on Lucy when she cleared her throat, ready to began her story.
     "It all started when I was six...

When I was six, my mother died. I took her death pretty hard. When she died, I inherited her keys, Aquarius, Cancer, and Croczs. I watched as she was being lowered and couldn't handle it. I ran back to the mansion. For the rest of the day, I locked myself in my room, planning to run away. When night fell, I fled. I spent half the night running, nothing but my keys, and the clothes on my back. It started raining and I had to take shelter. I pulled out my keys for comfort and looked at the stars through the leaves of the tree. I fell asleep. When I woke up, I felt warm. I found I was no longer under a tree but in a cave. Not only that, there was a strange man sitting on the opposite side of me, across a blue fire. Little did I know, that that very man was someone everyone feared. He had dark blue hair that fell to the ground and dark skin. He had blue marking over his body and black baggy pants, a beaded necklace, and an old cloak. I sat up and stared at the man, him staring back at me.
     "Who are you little one?" He asked me. His voice was low and dark. But I looked him in the eyes and answered him. 
     "Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia." He looked taken back for some reason. "And who are you?"
     "Acnologia." Gasps erupted from the members of Sabertooth. A glass shattered in the background of it all.
I didn't know anything about him, but I trusted him. I told my mothers name, Layla Heartfilia, leaving out my father. He asked me for my age, and told me something that would change my life forever.
     "Lucy, I believe that I am your father." More gasp. At first, I couldn't believe it, but then I looked back at any possible sign. My mother always said I was chaotic, my father usually joked around me really being his child, and then their was my magic. It was possible the biggest sign. Though I am a celestial mage, when I was younger, I would have these, power surges. One day, one of the rose bushes caught on fire, but it was blue. And so, I believed him.
He taught me magic. Chaos dragon slaying. When I was finally able to surround my body in fire, black markings appeared on my arms. "They are dragon markings." He told me.
     "I, Lucy Heartfilia, am half dragon."
I was with him for a year. I never did tell him about moms death, it just slipped my mind. Then, my birthday came around. I wasn't that excited, my mother died only a couple days later. When I turned 7, I had learned all the dragon slayer moves. Acnologia had went to the nearest town to get things. He bought me a new silver key, Lyra, and strawberry shortcake. I don't know if he say a missing poster or he overheard someone talking, but he asked me about my mother. I told him the said truth, she had died almost a year ago. That night, we went somewhere. He took me back to the estate.
     "Lucy, I thought your mother sent you here to find me, and I realized I'm not fit to care for a child." I screamed and thrashed as I yelled for him. He turned back, have me a kiss on the forehead, and erased my memory of the past year.
     I was told I fell into a coma when I woke up. I had no memory of the past year, all signs of my dragon half washed away. So, I spent most of my life like that. When I was around 14 or 15, I found a book in Judes study, one that got my memories back. The entire year I thought I missed, I got back, along with my dragon markings and magic. I had learned so much at the mansion that I decided to run away again. Jude had been ignoring me and I wanted to find my real father.
     For a couple years I traveled Firoe to find Acnologia. On my way I made a friend. Aqua. She was the water dragon slayer. We became great friends and traveled together. Until one day. The Shadow Clan. They had been obsessed with my powers for years. One day, they attacked.
     We were doing really good until one was able to put seals on me. They limited me to only one type of magic, celestial spirit summoning, and making me very weak at it. I was fighting and I heard Aqua yell for me. I didn't know, I didn't really hear until there was this gasp...When I turned to look, all I could do was fall. Someone had went to stab me, plunge a sword into my back, but Aqua stopped it. She had jumped in the way and took the hit. Her last wish, was for me to have her magic. Even though I couldn't use it, I was still able to contain it. When she died, I let out a terrible scream, one filled with sadness,hatred, and guilt. A bright light filled the sky and all the members of the Shadow Clan that were there, burned to a crisp.
     "And then I joined Fairy Tail. Hoping to leave the past behind but still look for my father. Fairy Tail was one of Aquas dream." Many members of the guild were in tears or almost close. Lucy herself had tears in the corner of her eyes. The past wasn't an easy topic for her, especially when she had to lie to so many people before about it. It felt, good to know that someone knows about her past, her real past.

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