Christmas Special

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Lucy had experienced many Christmases. Her earlier memories were filled with ball gowns and the biggest tree she had ever seen. Layla, her mother, was a wonderful host to all of their guest. The dinner table would be full of Lucy's favorite foods, every seat would be filled with her fathers business partners and her morhers dearest friends. Even her mother's Celestial Spirits would come out for an hour or so to indulge in the festivities.

When Layla passed, the holidays had a bittersweet feeling for Lucy. Although she didn't find them as enjoyable, her father would still host partys and small gatherings, but Lucy was ever rarely permitted to join. It was all business with the men and Layla's close friends never kept in contact with Lucy. Christmas became like any other boring day.

Christmas time at Fairy Tail was magical. It was thanks to her old nakama that she was able to find the joy in it again. The whole guild celebrated together the eve before. Mira and many others would spend most of the day in the kitchen, their was a station for kids to color and make stockings, and festive music would play as everyone drank and danced. There was a white elephant exchange, Lucy had gotten a bag of fish, a game of musical chairs that ended violently, and singing Christmas corals.

On Christmas day, Lucy had decided to have Team Natsu over for the entire day. She couldn't stand to be alone on such a joyous occasion. Erza had brought a strawberry sponge cake, Gray brought hot chocolate mixes, Wendy and Carla with muffins, and Natsu (plus Happy) had chopped down enough firewood to last Lucy a week. They all had a wonderful brunch before diving into presents. Wendy had gifted the team with their own mugs, each one decorated for the individual. Lucy's had constellations while Natsu's had dragons. Ezra's group gift was 20% off train tickets for the next year, Gray had gotten everyone socks. "I'm not good with gifts okay!"

Natsu and Happy dished out weird fruits that they had collected in the woods. Finally, Lucy's turn to give out her gifts. First, everyone received a free spy day on their next mission (a fancy hotel would be quite nice), and each member received a personal gift.  Wendy got new hair ribbons and Carla got matching ones, Erza was gifted with a whole cake to herself (extra strawberries just the way she likes it), a new heated jacket for Gray, and Natsu had new motion sickness pills. He was over the moon. Happy would get his gift at dinner.

There were more gifts being passed, but Lucy could only think about how happy she was at that moment. Because of Fairy Tail, she finally had a reason to look forward to the holiday seasons. The thought of it made her tear up. Alas there was more to the day. More gifts were open and games were played. For dinner they had fried fish, the same fish she received from the day prior, and many sides, Ezra's strawberry sponge cake for dessert. The team talked about anything and everything. What mission they should take next, what other guildmates were up to. The evening was filled with laughter and the scent of chocolate.

Sadly all good things must come to an end. One by one, everyone left. Even Natsu and Happy went back to their home. Lucy was alone, still thriving with energy. Her house and heart were warm and stomach full, she went to bed with no compliments.

"I hope next Christmas is just as wonderful."

That was Lucy's first and last Christmas with Fairy Tail. Seven years were spent trapped in a magic induced coma on an island, and Fairy Tails battle with (Tartuas) had overshadowed the holiday season. Then the guild was disbanded. A shitty start to the new year.

But this would be different. Lucy was a proud member of Sabertooth now. Sabertooth would hold a party the afternoon of Christmas day and run into the day after; followed by New Years Celebration. Lucy was overjoyed.

Two weeks before the party Lucy had went out shopping. She had plenty of money and Lucy was planning to splurge. There was the group gift to buy, a secret Santa gift, something for each member of her team, her Celestial Spirits, and maybe even something for herself. Hey, she earned a nice thing for herself.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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