Ch.3 Joining Sabertooth

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Lucy had never felt so nervous. Okay, there was time she was really nervous, but it felt like a first for her. Lucy had told Yukino about Fairy Tail disbanded and Nastu and Happy leaving her with nothing but a letter as a goodbye. She also told Yukino about Aquarius' sacrifice. Why did she tell Yukino? Yukino was Lucy's friend and a fellow celestial mage that cared for her spirits. Yukino had ended up telling Lucy of Sabertooths improvement of actions. Turns out Sabertooth has worked on changing their ways, and hear this, Minerva wants to apologize to Lucy for the way she acted at the Grand Magic Games. Lucy and Yukino were only a block away from Sabertooth and the building was just as big as the Fairy Tail guild. It's going to be demolished soon. Lucy thought with a faraway look. Thing is, Lucy knew something was going to happen to her end up alone. It was like fate wanted her to be alone. Lucy knew something would get in the of her happiness, whether it was Jude trying to get her back, or her real past, or just bad people getting in the way. After that though, Lucy and Yukino were standing in front of the doors of Sabertooth. Yukino glanced at Lucy and then opened the door to Sabertooth. Lucy was hesitant but walked in. Looking around, there weren't a lot of people. Yukino must of notice Lucy looking at the lack of people and said, "most people are out on missions, or are already at home with the time." Lucy made an 'o' face. Yukino then grabbed Lucy's wrist and rushed to the bar where only one person sat. "Ah! Sorry, Lucy-san!!" Yukino exclaimed while repeating bowing. This caught guilds' attention. Everyone turned to look at Yukino and widened their eyes at the sight of Lucy. The members started to murmur among themselves while walking towards the two. Lucy though was blushing from embarrassment and tried to get Yukino to stop, but it was too late. A crowd had already formed and was throwing questions left and right at the two. "What's a member of Fairy Tail doing here? Isn't she that Lucy chick?" Lucy had a tick mark at that last comment. Though, the few firms that were at the guild, yelled at the guy for calling her a chick. Through the crowd, a person with a large red hat and pink feather made its way through the crowd. None other then Rufus stood next to Yukino to also question the presence of the blonde at Sabertooth.
Rufus is a fellow member of Sabertooth and when of its strongest members as he participated at last year's GMG. Rufus uses memory magic.
"Dear Yukino, why is a member of Fairy Tail here?" Lucy sweatdropped at him asking Yukino and not the person is asking about it. Before Yukino could answer, a booming voice silenced the crowd. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!?" The crowd quickly parted for Minerva to reach the three. Lucy stilled at the sight, as did Minerva. Minerva walked forward to Lucy and all Lucy could do was think about how she's going to die. Minerva stood in front of Lucy and did the unexpected. She bowed to Lucy. The crowd stunned, speechless was an understatement. But Lucy looked like she could faint. "Lucy Heartfilia, I am very sorry for the way I treated you on the Grand Magic Games. It was wrong of me and all I cared about was winning. Will you please forgive?" Again, the small crowd was speechless. Lucy looked a little taken back at Minerva's words. "What makes you think I haven't already forgiven you?" This time it was Minerva who looked like she could faint. The crowd, for the third time, was speechless. Minerva tilted her head up to look at Lucy with a saying a small what. "Before my mother died, she told me many sayings. One of them was to forgive and forget. I don't like holding on to grudges since that leads to revenge. Besides, we were all trying to prove our guild is the strongest in all of Fiore." Lucy replied with a small smile.

After getting the few guild members to calm down, Lucy was finally able to put her bags down and get a bit to eat. In the time if eating, Minerva and Lucy had hit it off to be good friends. After eating, Lucy paid and decided to ask what she really came here for. "Minerva, can I join Sabertooth?" Minerva just looked at Lucy and then smiled, a rare sight for anyone in the guild. Minerva pulled out the stamper and asked to wear Lucy wanted it. "Right right, and pink please!" Lucy said.

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