Ch.2 The Shadow Clan

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter!!

In the Dark Woods

"My' lady, we have news about the girl." A man said as he suddenly appeared next to a rotting tree. The man was looking at a teenage girl with long dark purple hair kneeling in a patch of pink and blue flowers.

 "News? About the Heartfilia girl? Please tell Zander." Zander flinched at his leader saying his name. "Yes, m'lady. The Heartfilia girl was spotted in Cloverdale. She was talking to a saber." The girl made a small hum sound and reached out to touch the pink flowers. Her index finger gently grazed a petal and she retreated her hand. 

"Well, then. Is there anything else of your report Zander?" The girl asked. Zander swallowed, "Yes m'lady. She was heading towards the Sabertooth." The girl slot stood up and wiped her black dress off. She turned around to look at Zander, while Zander noticed that ice started to appear under his lady's feet. 

"Tomorrow, we send our warning." As the girl walked off, an ice trail was made. Zander stood still as she passed him. As the two walked through a portal, the pink flower was suddenly covered in ice and shattered into tiny pieces.

With Wendy and Carla at Lamia Scale.

"News? About the Heartfillia girl?" Pink flowers flowed in the air before shattering into little crystals.  "Tomorrow, we send our warning." 

Carla woke in a cold sweat. She had had a vision, and she was worried. She had heard Lucy's last name being mentioned. 'The only thing I saw was the color pink, and then they were gone.'

I thought it would be cool if Carla had a vision about the shattering flowers. Soon you guys will understand why the flowers are pink and blue. If you can guess why the flowers are pink then a good job!!

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