Anoki was trying not to glare at every person who came five feet within her space, and was failing at it. Zoro started to loosen up the more alcohol he consumed and was engaged in a drinking contest with Nami and a large burly woman. Ussop was on top of stacked tables and was telling everyone listening of his escapades with a giant goldfish, Sanji had a circle of women surrounding him, and Luffy was swallowing down mouthfuls of food. Anoki wasn't sure if Luffy was breathing, but she wasn't too concerned. The collection of shot glasses and whiskey glasses surrounding Anoki was surrounding the table in front of the couch she lounged on and was now starting to litter the floor. 

Anoki's eye narrowed in annoyance when a man and a woman sat on each side of her, pressing their bodies close and clutching at her arms, which paused her mid-sip of her drink. The woman had a full face of makeup on and was wearing a dress that was considered scandalous while the man was wearing tight pants and a button up shirt that had the top buttons undone to show off his chest. Both of their eyes were half-lidded as they drew as close as possible to the tall woman, who growled in warning. 

"Look at how absolutely gorgeous you are, and how strong. I'm sure you could hold me up and do whatever you wanted to a girl huh," the woman rasped while planting kisses along Anoki's jaw, the man doing the same on the other side of her jaw. Anoki could feel both of them trailing their kisses towards both of her ears and biting then blowing cold air against her neck hoping for a reaction. Anoki growled and grabbed the woman by the jaw, forcing the startled woman to look her in the eye. "What do you think you're trying to do?".

The woman shivered and pressed herself even closer to Anoki while the man whined, also wanting attention. Anoki sighed and leaned back into the couch and wrapping her arms over the backs, letting the two strangers get as close as they wanted. They jumped at the change in attitude and each were basically straddling each of Anoki's thighs and continued their ministrations. Anoki leaned her head back and stared at the ceiling while enjoying the soft touches of the strangers. She could feel multiple hungry gazes upon their forms, along with jealous stares which she figured were from her crew. The woman's tongue was grazing Anoki's jaw while the male's hand traveled towards her shoulders, pressing down onto the tattoos. Anoki shifted her gaze onto him and watched like a hawk as he started to fumble with her sleeves. She lifted her hand and allowed her hand to cup his chin and lift his gaze to her predatory one. 

"Who gave you permission to touch me as you wished? Because it certainly wasn't me little lamb, so be a good boy and watch those wandering fingers, yeah?" Anoki rasped in a voice so husky is racked shivers down both of the strangers backs, making them turn to putty in Anoki's palms. Both whined, needy and wanting, which caused Anoki to chuckle. Her gaze turned dark when she felt both of them rock into her thighs, and it also caused parts of her crew to scream out. Both male and female were ripped from Anoki's lap and Anoki herself was forced up and shoved onto a chair where Nami and Zoro were having their contest. 

"What the fuck was that!?" Nami seethed at Anoki while Zoro grumbled, his eyes closed and refusing to look at the tall first-mate. Anoki puffed out air from her nose crossed a leg over top the other and leaned into closed fist to keep her head up. "I was letting them have their fun before I go and have my own fun". Nami slapped the back of Anoki's head which caused her head to get knocked forward. 

"Why in the absolute fuck were you letting them touch you and grind all over you?" Zoro hissed, an angry flush to his skin. 

"Because in about three hours they are probably going to be dead," Anoki shrugged, an indifferent look plastered across her face. Zoro growled and ran a hand down his face in frustration. "You do know that you don't have to murder everything, right?" A shocked expression came across Anoki's face, as if this was the first time she's ever heard that fact. 

"Oh you're right. I don't have to kill all of my enemies. I forget that fact all the time, forgive me for being to careless with my body and inconsiderate towards your feelings on murder," Anoki bowed her head towards Nami and Zoro, which caused both of them to flush a deep red. "YOU DON'T NEED TO BOW!" Nami shouted, waving her hands around in a flustered manner while Zoro only pet Anoki on the head. 


Anoki was staring down at the crowd of bounty hunters with her single eye that seemed to glow in the moon's light. She could hear them talking about her crew and how flustered they were that they couldn't find her and Zoro. 

Zoro was seated comfortably on the roof while Anoki loomed over the edge, not bothering to sit down. It was when the sharp gasp of one of the weaker bounty hunters got everyone's attention towards them was when Anoki allowed herself to let her devil fruit go. Sharp horns slid up from her skull and the skin of her forearms seemingly disappeared, showing the prominent bones in her arms and the sharp claw like nails at the tip of her fingers. Her face now looked like a mask with sharp canines, the flesh basically black. She watched the crowd pale with a dead eye as she reached into her chest and pulled out Shi, the black blade glinting dangerously in the night. 

"I hope you're all ready, because you are threatening the lives of my crew and I find it very hard to find it in myself to allow any of you to live," Anoki growled, her voice sounding gruff and husky. The sound of guns being cocked was her answer, and it was good enough for her. 


Hello everyone, I apologize how Anoki acted during this...she was a bit of a thot this chapter. Thank you for all of the support I've been getting :) it warms my heart. I'm trying to update as much as I can but work and school get in the way sometimes.  

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