☽ F O R T Y - O N E: Sweet As Honey

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"Cheater!" Landon cried, narrowing the eye that wasn't bandaged over. He pointed at a smirking Ike who just finished his second box of pizza.

Ike sneered back at him. "Only because you're a slow ass eater, Seaver!"

Landon jumped up, fists clenched. "Double or nothing!" 

Hal whined for Landon to settle down. That it was bad enough to watch Landon and Ike scarf down pizza with leaving the others with crappy toppings; minus Gesa because Ike was an asshole to everyone else and made sure his mate got the pepperoni pizza she wanted.

Gesa smirked, shrugging that she offered to split her pizza. Hal shot her a look, whining at her now that he wanted mushrooms with the pepperoni. Something Gesa refused because she gagged at the thought of mushrooms.

Each of the Royal Guardians were sporting injuries from their morning training. It went better than expected. At least from Germaine's point of view. 

Germaine was impressed with how the Guardians were more of a unit when all of them were thrown together. He, of course, pointed out that individually they had to stand on their own too but that they would need to work on that.

Landon groaned, holding a hand to his chest and scrunched his nose. He just remembered about being clawed there; a white bandage was wrapped around his upper torso. 

He had teased Ike earlier when walking around without a shirt that Gesa and the girls might go blind with how beautiful the redhead was with his new muscular build.

Ike rolled his eyes, shaking his head and leaned back with his arms crossed. Ike pointed out that was unlikely since Lorena and Ella were in a relationship and Gesa was with Ike. 

Landon scoffed, waving off the Werewolf who scowled at him. "Pleeeeease! Look at me, McGowan!" He gestured to himself. "I'm all man!"

Ike, not one to let the redhead have the last word, stood up and yanked off his shirt. He tossed it aside, Ella and Lorena catching it on purpose and feigning swoons. Just to irritate Landon.

"Oooooooh," the females swooned, giving Ike googly eyes.

"You might think you're all man..." Ike grinned at the frowning Landon. Landon looked away from the giggling couple to Ike. The werewolf gestured to himself, wiggling his brows as he grinned, "But I'm a beast." 

Needless to say, Landon felt a challenge was needed and decided a pizza eating contest would suffice. In hopes of getting Ike fat.

Hal groaned as he sat up. He was still icing his forehead where he got a nasty cut from when he was clawed. Mrs. Bumpkins did mention that they'd all scar but that she had an ointment that would heal the scars enough they'd be unnoticeable. 

"I need fucking sleep," Hal sighed, standing up. 

"Me too," Ella yawned, standing up and pouting at Lorena that she wanted to take a nap. Lorena happily obliged in following her girlfriend out of the room.

Landon frowned, grumbling that they were lame though he noticed Hal was leaving the room too. 

"Hal! You're really that tired?" 

"Yes, fucker! I had to fight off a herd of Werewolves, how are you not fucking tired?"

Ike smirked from where he was still lounging on the sofa. Gesa was nestled in his side. "Because he didn't do shit."

Hollow Academy - PART I & II - (Book 2 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang