☽ T H I R T Y - S I X: Her Protector

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When her eyes opened, blinking to adjust to the brightness, Gesa was staring at the ceiling. There were vines drooping in the air, small flowers attached to them. But it was the butterflies fluttering around and on the vines that brought a soothing warmth to Gesa. The butterflies were all different sizes and colors. 

Gesa's brows furrowed, admiring the butterflies clinging to the ceilings and a row of them on a drooping vine like a swing. 

"It's an enchanted ceiling," someone spoke, breaking the calm quiet.

Gesa blinked, turning her attention to the doorway where Quinn was standing. He had his arms crossed, admiring the butterflies above. His gaze lowered to Gesa who looked surprised and confused in one.

Quinn grinned, remaining where he was and explained that the Prince mentioned how much Gesa loved butterflies growing up. He nodded at the ceiling that was why Ike requested for Gesa to see this when she woke up.

The witch rolled his eyes, pursing his mouth to the side. He shrugged, nodding to the side that actually that sounded nothing like the prince who did not request the butterflies, but demanded it. 

"That crown is a little tight on his inflated ego, don't you think?" 

Gesa smiled a bit, amused by her friend who finally walked in and offered to help her sit up. She groaned, feeling how sore her muscles were. 

Quinn sat down on the side of the bed, asking how she was doing. He was replied with a slow nod, Gesa's brows furrowed before she whispered in a hoarse tone that she felt a little drowsy like she'd been sleeping too long.

"I'll say," Quinn raised his brows. He looked up at the ceiling, lifting his hand and waited as one of the butterflies lifted off the vine swing and landed on his palm. He extended his hand toward Gesa who beamed at the butterfly.

Gesa leaned closer, her nose so close the butterfly hopped onto it. She giggled, startling the butterfly that fluttered back up to join its companions.

Staring up at the ceiling, Gesa sighed, "It's beautiful, Quinn. Thank you." 

"My pleasure. Though... if we are being honest, your boyfriend made me."

Gesa smiled again, finding Ike's aggressive demands rather sweet. It was so like him. 

"Where is he?" Gesa looked around the room, finding herself in a closed off space. 

"Someone's a little eager..." Quinn mumbled, earning a blushing grin from Gesa. He teased her that with the incident that happened Gesa was going to need to take it easy for the next few weeks. 

Quinn leaned closer, feigning a stern look. "Try not to let his Highness jump your bones so soon, hm?"

Gesa blushed again, tucking her hair behind her ears, wincing a bit from the strain in her arms. She mumbled to Quinn that he was lucky Ike wasn't around to hear that.

"Why?" Quinn raised a brow. "Is it because of talking about his Highness' horniness or because I'm talking to you about sex?"

"Both," came out in a growl. 

Quinn and Gesa turned to the door where the Royal family entered. Ike's gaze turned away from giving the stink eye to Quinn and softened when seeing his mate sitting up.

When she smiled at him, Ike couldn't help making a beeline for her. He kept his gaze on Gesa, his hand in Quinn's face and shoved the witch off the bed. Quinn yelped as he rolled off.

Sebastian grinned while Eleni scolded her son to not be rude. If Ike was listening he didn't acknowledge, he was too busy tucking Gesa's hair behind her ear and rested his forehead against hers.

Hollow Academy - PART I & II - (Book 2 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now