☽ N I N E: To Mend A Broken Heart

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The staredown between Gabriel and Gesa put everyone on edge; Werewolf and human. Each of the Night Students carefully watched for the reaction to the one in charge, glancing every few seconds at the human girl still aiming her arrow at Gabriel.

Gabriel narrowed his eyes, taking that moment to rethink his assumptions about this girl. She was fierce when she wanted to be, it appeared, something Gabriel would need to remember. Those gray eyes of hers held a fire that Gabriel wondered if it was newly discovered. 

"Mmm..." the young Werewolf placed his hands behind his back, craning his neck forward and raised his brows. "Do you know how to even use that, Gray Eyes?"

Gesa pulled back the bow string a bit more. Her brow lowered and didn't break her stare from the Werewolf. "Wanna find out?"

Gabriel smirked, quite amused at this girl's boldness. He found it... intriguing. 

Taking in a deep breath, Gabriel pursed his lips and shook his head that he could tell when he needed to back down. His green eyes had a gleam when he directed to Gesa, "Best not to scorn a female with fire in her eyes."

Gesa narrowed her eyes, taking two breaths before slowly lowering her bow. She straightened, stepping back in place with her team. Although she didn't stray from staring down Gabriel, neither did he with her. 

There was a silent challenge between the pair but Gesa wasn't going to give in to the Werewolf. She had a promise to the Alpha to keep intact and if she went around picking fights with Gabriel---the son of the man who murdered Ike's parents---then Gesa would be no better than Gabriel's father.

The teenage girl turned to Derek, muttering that they all needed to get back to monitoring the grounds. Derek agreed, looking back to Gabriel and addressed him. Gabriel, tearing his dark gaze from Gesa, looked at Derek with that bored look on his face again.

"Don't worry, Derek..." Gabriel drolled. "We are all now accounted for. I would hate to report this abuse on my fellow classmate so why don't we agree to let this go? We'll be in our lessons and you lot can go back to roaming the school grounds." 

Derek narrowed his eyes, glancing to the Night Students sneering at them. Looking back to Gabriel, Derek frowned that this was a one-time overlook but that next time there would be consequences.

"Of course." Gabriel grinned. 

The way the werewolf responded itched at Derek but there was already tension in the room. There was no need to create more. Or worse. 

Without looking away from Gabriel, Derek ordered his team to move out. The werewolf was giving that eerie smirk, shifting his gaze to the gray eyed human turning away.

As he'd done the last time, Gabriel called, "Oh, Gray Eyes..."

Gesa stared forward, gaze hard and jaw clenched. She gripped the middle of the bow staff tightly but peered over her shoulder. The teenage boy tilted his head, letting his green eyes roam down her person which sent uneasy trembles down her spine. 

The boy's smirk grew and the gold returned to his irises. "I do hope you are as capable as you claim."

Gesa's brows furrowed, blinking at the boy's words. She wasn't sure how to take that; sarcasm... or a threat? Perhaps both?

A hand took hold of her elbow and Gesa turned, looking up at Ike who was scowling at Gabriel. The blond didn't say a word, he just made sure to have a good hold on Gesa before pulling her out of the classroom and let the door slam shut behind them. 

Hollow Academy - PART I & II - (Book 2 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now