☽ T W O: Someone Has A Secret

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Each of the Night students' elongated teeth were bared still and some would snap their jaws or let out a nasty growl. Their glowing eyes shimmered in the dimly lit classroom. They wouldn't take their eyes off the team of human students staring back from the entrance. They relished seeing that each human had a cautious gleam in their eyes.

The Night students growled a bit more before the authoritative one still by the window barked out, "Enough!"

Immediately, the students under his control simmered. Their mouths closing after making their teeth retreat back into their gums. But they still kept their glowing eyes as warning. A solitary moment of rebellion, so to speak.

For Gesa, she frowned at the way the students stared at them. Almost... almost hungrily.

She could see the way they were holding themselves back; just barely. It was almost like they were rabid dogs on the end of their leash---no pun intended. Gesa pondered how was it one student could have such control over an entire classroom full of Werewolves---or Howlers, as she and the team called them.

Lowering a brow, Gesa switched her gaze to the tall form by the window. It was a good ten feet up from the ground and the short platform he stood on was quite narrow. Oddly enough, the boy was staring in the humans' direction but more specifically his golden gaze was locked on Gesa. His lingering stare made her feel rather uncomfortable.

Gesa swallowed hard when he stretched out his leg into the air and walked forward off the platform. She internally gasped as he descended at a rapid speed towards the ground, yet landed gracefully on his feet.

The tall teenage boy puffed out his chest with his arms behind his back and lifted his chin while taking in each of them. Gesa sensed he was sizing each of them up, almost like trying to detect the threat level.

With a frown on her face, she tried to look confident with being in the room full of Howlers ready to attack. Gesa's eyes shifted to the Werewolf who had first spoken mockingly towards them---Vladimir, was it?

In a bored tone, the boy dragged himself lazily off the desk he'd been leaning against, now standing as his gaze was locked on the group by the doorway and directed his words to the one in charge.

"Oh, Gabriel... Always one to ruin the fun just when it starts to get good," he let out in a dramatic sigh.

Vladimir narrowed his eyes and scanned the group until he settled on the females. Gesa's brows furrowed, her fingers clenching tightly to the handle of the knives she was holding. Vladimir grinned, revealing his human teeth.

"This one's frightened, Gabriel!" he pointed out Gesa, clearly amused.

Gesa blinked a few times before realizing that he was looking right at her. She was glancing at the other Werewolves now grinning with those hungry growls again. They were all now focused on her.

Vladimir leaned forward, as though Gesa was a child, and placed his hands on his knees to tilt his head slightly.

"Come now, Human. No need to be frightened. I haven't even bitten you yet!"

Gesa blinked, narrowing her eyes for a moment and her grip on her knives tightened and her palms began to feel sweaty. Her heartbeat pounded wildly in her ears the more Vladimir focused on her, purposely running his tongue along the bottom of his upper row of teeth.

His arrogance in knowing how he made her feel didn't last long, not when Gesa suddenly felt something whip past her face through the air. She gasped, eyes wide. Though Gesa wasn't the only one who had been startled. Everyone in the classroom hadn't seen that coming.

Hollow Academy - PART I & II - (Book 2 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now