☽ T H I R T Y - F I V E: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

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Mrs. Bumpkins studied the open wound, blocking out the panicked voices around her. Her fingers barely touched around the bite and Gesa cried out. 

The witch glanced up at Ike growling at her. Her gaze shifted to Gesa leaning against Ike, her eyes shut and rested her head against the prince's chest. 

"Ike..." Gesa whimpered, "It hurts!" 

Mrs. Bumpkins bit her lip, looking down at the wound again. Her mind reeled, wondering what she could do to help Gesa. Something suddenly came to mind and she turned to Quinn.

"I need you to bring me the blue vial." 

Quinn's eyes widened, stammering to his mother if that was wise. She cut him off, insisting that her son bring the vial requested; that it was a matter of urgency.

"Mom!" Quinn shook his head. "We don't know if it will work!"

"And we don't know if she will survive this bite!" Mrs. Bumpkins snapped, eyes turning their neon violet. 

The others around them fell silent, stunned at the woman's words. Ike frowned, blinking a few times as the woman's outburst registered.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

He glanced down at Gesa when she clutched to his shirt and buried her face against him. Her pained groans were muffled in his shirt.

Mrs. Bumpkins frowned, telling them all that this was not the time to explain but that she'd briefly tell them that Mrs. Bumpkins had been working with her son to find a way to keep the Royal Guardians safe. 

She wanted to make sure that there was a way to ensure the Guardians would having a fighting chance even if they were scratched and/or bitten by a werewolf. Mrs. Bumpkins nodded in her son's direction who she had involved in assisting her with this experiment.

"They are human, Your Highness." Mrs. Bumpkins reminded the prince that even if the Royal Guardians were skilled and trained to protect the Royal family, that involved the likelihood they would have injuries inflicted.

The witch quickly explained that she'd been working all week on a potion that involved a lot of magic on her part. 

"I used my own magic to move along the potion but it requires a lot more. And I did not want to use my son's as he is still young."

"What is the potion supposed to do?" Germaine asked, looking now at the oozing wound on the human's arm.

Mrs. Bumpkins sighed, shaking her head and looked down at Gesa's bite. Her brows furrowed, nose scrunching.

"It's supposed to deflect the bite. To keep the humans from turning."

The Royal Guardians' brows rose, looking at one another then back to the witch. She went on, saying how she was close to perfecting the potion but needed a particular tree root that was not located  here. 

Mrs. Bumpkins looked at a scowling Ike. "I need a tree root from where you were born."

"But that's..." Germaine frowned, shaking his head. "That's in Monarch territory now, Rola."

"Yes," Mrs. Bumpkins nodded. "I'm well aware of that, Germaine. But that doesn't make it any less needed."

The trainer gave her a look but kept from saying anything so Mrs. Bumpkins could finish what she wanted to say about the potion. 

It was to keep the Royal Guardians from turning. That was the sole purpose and was inspired by a rather alarming vision the witch had the week before. She would not tell them about that at the moment because it wasn't as vital then. 

Hollow Academy - PART I & II - (Book 2 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now