☽ T W E N T Y - O N E: When In Love...

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Sebastian's brows furrowed the entire time he was sitting at the table. His fingers gripped the handle of his coffee mug but had yet to drink a sip of it. By now, the steam had vanished, his coffee most likely lukewarm now. 

His mate was seated beside him eating her bagel with strawberry cream cheese. Eleni glanced her husband's way, pausing in her bite of the bagel and then finished tearing off a piece. Eleni sat back as she chewed slowly, lowering a brow as she studied her scowling husband. It was his "contemplating" scowl. 

"Something wrong, Sebastian?"

He blinked, turning to her and Eleni raised a brow. 

"Sorry... I was just thinking."

Eleni reached for her glass of juice. "About...?" She lifted the cup towards her, glancing his way for a second. As her lips touched the rim of the glass, gulping down her orange juice, her husband mumbled, "You think Tristan is still a virgin?" which made Eleni choke. 

Eleni coughed, setting the glass down and Sebastian's brows rose, immediately patting her back in assistance. His look of concern relaxed once Eleni took a deep breath and turned her face to frown at him. 

Those brown eyes of hers hardened, now turning gold while she bared her teeth and growled at Sebastian. 

The King rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he sensed the protective mother side of her showing. Leave it to Eleni to be the offended one of the two parents.

The man pursed his mouth to the side, returning to his coffee. "It was just a question, Elle." He lifted the mug for a sip. He immediately regretted it. His nose scrunched at the luke-warm taste and set his mug down.

When Sebastian peeked his wife's way, Eleni was now the one scowling. She had her arms crossed on the table, her plate with the barely touched bagel now scooted away from her. 

Sebastian grinned, reaching over to tug his wife closer. "Aw, Elle! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

His wife grumbled it was too late for that and she tried elbowing him away. Sebastian chuckled, kissing the side of her head as he held tighter. He assured his wife that it was just a question.

"But why would you even think of that question?!"

Sebastian shrugged, pursing his mouth to the side. "I don't know. I was just wondering if my son had taken after his idiotic father who got carried away as a teenager and didn't wait for his mate."

Eleni immediately understood. Her hard expression relaxed, now replaced with a solemn look and rested her chin on her husband's bicep. She admired her ruggedly handsome Werewolf and reminded Sebastian that when he was younger, it was believed he might not have a mate at all. 

She still rested on his arm, raising her brows and added that when they met, Eleni wasn't a virgin either. 

"It was different circumstances, Sebastian. Nothing of your fault. It would be different if you knew about me and continued your sexual rendezvous."

Sebastian shot her a look from the side, "Very funny."

Eleni smiled, sighing that Sebastian was such a Worry Wart. He laughed, teasing that Eleni rubbed off on him all these years. She rolled her eyes, elbowing him before taking a sip from her orange juice again.

They sat quietly for only a minute before Eleni whispered, brows furrowed, "You don't think they've...?" She glanced at her husband, raising a brow. "Do you?"

Hollow Academy - PART I & II - (Book 2 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now