☽ F O R T Y - F I V E: Something Wicked This Way Comes

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Three months after the announcement of their unborn daughter, Ike and Gesa had noticed the rather rapid growth of Gesa's belly. They had voiced their concern as to whether this was normal, with consideration of what Ike was, and the King and Queen weren't sure. They sought out Mrs. Bumpkins who had been on her way over with her son to discuss something of vital importance.

The Royal family was now in the main house, seated in the living room with the Royal Guardians standing in formation behind them. The rest of the family was present but they stood more off to the side. 

Mrs. Bumpkins waddled over to seat herself on a chair, looking to her son who was a lot quieter these past months. Quinn's usual bright light was dimmed somewhat; a pensive look on his face all the time. Mrs. Bumpkins explained to them all the reason for this is because Quinn was due soon to sign the Book of Oasis; a book passed down from generation to generation in the covens. Further explanation of the book was it being owned by someone who was in control of the book's magical spells. 

Gesa peered at Quinn who had that lost look on his face. He zoned out a few times already, doing so again, and he clutched to the heavy black book on his lap. Gesa rested her hand on her bulging belly, leaning forward a bit and called Quinn's name. 

His gaze was on her belly the entire time until Mrs. Bumpkins nudged him. Quinn blinked, shaking his head, brows furrowed at Gesa. She sat back, worry filling her at that moment.

"What's going on?" Gesa asked no on in particular, turning to look at Ike whose scowl deepened in seeing his mate in distress. He tucked her closer to him.

Mrs. Bumpkins turned to her son, holding out her hands for the book. Quinn obeyed, looking over the young parents to be and then dropped his gaze to Gesa's belly again. He was a nervous wreck knowing that the life of that unborn child was in his hands. Quinn was meant to help Guinevere and couldn't do that if they all didn't keep Gesa from Gabriel Monarch first.

His mother was in the middle of saying something and drew Quinn back to the conversation.

"---understand what I'm about to show you is not a trick. This isn't like when Dorchadas Aon was inside Prince Tristan." 

Sebastian frowned, looking to where his son and daughter-in-law, so to speak, were seated. Gesa looked up at Ike who whispered something to her before she shut her eyes and rested her head under his chin. 

The King scowled now, turning to Mrs. Bumpkins and nodded for the woman to carry on. 

With a wave of her hand, that familiar watery transparency Quinn had seen over three months ago appeared out of thin air. It was made bigger for the sake of the room being filled with more people. 

The image held Gesa's face and the echoed voice of Gabriel Monarch. Ike growled, teeth clenched as his brown eyes disappeared behind the gold of his inner animal. His companions glanced at him, bracing themselves in case they need to hold Ike back again.

The witch glanced at the agitated Prince whose gaze was still set on the vision before them all. Gabriel's teasing of touching the prince's mate made them all tense up, seeing Gabriel's lips graze across Gesa's skin made them all uncomfortable and hearing the man's mocking, "He should have claimed you when he had the chance," seconds before the vicious bite into Gesa's neck set the room in a panic.

Quinn sat there, frozen as Gesa's painful scream filled the room---Ike's snarl joining in as he jumped up and Landon had to jump over the couch to tackle the prince to the ground. The others were voicing their concerns or demands of how this was possible. 

Hollow Academy - PART I & II - (Book 2 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang