☽ F O R T Y - T H R E E: Mrs. Bumpkin's Premonition (Again)

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Mrs. Bumpkins' frown at the floating orb in front of her deepened when the orb's light illuminated more. The witch narrowed her eyes, almost challenging the orb until it illuminated much more and the witch let out a rather dramatic exasperated sigh.

"Fine, then! I'll check out this---this---" the woman squinted at the orb. "What did you call it again?"

The orb's light pulsed a few times, a silent way of reply, and Mrs. Bumpkins humphed, nodding as she mumbled under her breath while climbing off the stool she sat on.

Across the way, Mrs. Bumpkins son emerged from outside and the older witch sighed, "It seems the Moon Goddess is losing her touch, Quinn."

Her son raised a brow, glancing at the glowing orb that pulsed a few times. Mrs. Bumpkins shot the orb a look while Quinn grinned, insisting that whether the Moon Goddess was losing her touch or not, the deity was not to be trifled with.

Quinn's grin widened when his mother's frown turned his way. He shrugged, "Just saying."

He sauntered over to sit on the stool his mother just vacated. He placed his chin on his hand, squinting at the orb that now turned its attention to him. 

"She's annoyed with you, Mother," Quinn glanced at the tiny witch waddling over to the cauldron. The orb's light pulsed a few times in agreement with the young man.

His mother grunted, her back turned, "When is she not?!"

Quinn rolled his eyes, sitting up and asked what exactly the deity was asking of his mother. The way Mrs. Bumpkins' shoulders slumped gave away to Quinn that it was not good. 

The older of the witches looked over her shoulder at her son. Mrs. Bumpkins' lips formed a tight line then waddled over to the orb and her son. 

"It seems that the Moon Goddess fears the worst for her beloved creatures---the ones in the underground city, at least---but more specifically the Royal family."

The orb's light pulsed and Quinn nodded, turning to his mother. "She's right, mother. With one of her Royal Guardians carrying the heir to the throne, this changes everything. Even the vision."

"Yes," Mrs. Bumpkins glanced at the orb. "Which shouldn't even happen." 

Quinn was explained to that premonitions were solidified in Life Paths. There was no changing them. There was no way to change the outcome. Which was why when they all saw Gabriel Monarch viciously bite into Gesa to claim her as his, that was already troubling.

"It's worse now that she's carrying a child."

Mrs. Bumpkins grumbled, shaking her head. "The prince will be more territorial over his mate than ever before." 

Quinn nodded in agreement, tilting his head as he recalled the day before when the witch attempted to tickle Gesa and Prince Tristan had to be held back by Landon and Hal. 

"There's no such thing as playing around with that one," Quinn grumbled, frowning as he remembered the wild-eyed look in Ike's eyes. 

The male witch looked at his mother. "I can hardly believe that vision of yours can come to pass with how the prince is now."

The orb pulsed, making the two witches look its way. Quinn frowned, Mrs. Bumpkins rolled her eyes and they both faced one another.

Mrs. Bumpkins waved lazily at the orb. "That is why she feels so uneasy! She is unable to see beyond what she already knows. It's quite annoying, if you think about it, that a deity who created the very creatures trying to overpower one another, is unable to change anything."

Hollow Academy - PART I & II - (Book 2 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt