Michael got the hint and nodded.

"Why don't you guys join us? We were just about to ride the rollercoaster again." Daniel smiled from behind Mr. Slothly.

I was ready to punch Daniel in the throat.

"Heck yea!" Michael shouted before he hurried off in its direction. We followed behind, I was apprehensive at first but Kylie and Ashton hung back with me. Daniel was infront of us and Calum and Luke weren't too far behind each other.

When we made it to the ride. Michael was already in the front cart. Todd chuckled.

"Can't get enough?" He asked me as I walked by.

"I guess not." I said and shrugged.

Mr. Slothly and Slothia had to sit back with Todd.

I sat towards the middle and Kylie sat up with Daniel. Calum sat behind Michael and Luke sat all the way at the back.

I turned to Ashton.

"How are you guys doing? Calum said everything was fine." 

"It is now. After you left we put the smack down on Luke."

The safety bars went up and Ashton leaned back and put his arm along the back of the seat.

"How did that go?"

The ride started to pull out onto the tracks.

"It was ugly. We can talk about it later this isn't really the place."

I nodded.

"It's good to see you again." I smiled.

He smiled back.

"You too." There was a sparkle in his eye and the sudden movement of the cart plummeting down the track caused us to scream which turned to laughter.

"This is so much fun!" Ashton shouted.

"I know right!"

After the ride we all climbed off, slightly disheveled from the wind on the ride.

Daniel and Kylie grabbed their sloths and we all waved bye to Todd.

"What should we ride next?" Michael asked.

"I don't know but after it I'm gonna head back." Kylie yawned.

I nodded in agreement.

Michael scanned the park and then his eyes landed on the swing ride.

"Found it!" He yelled and then him and Calum raced each other to it.

Ashton stayed by my side as we followed behind. Luke was with Kylie and Daniel now, laughing about the sloths.

"You wanna hang out for a little bit after this? It can be just us." He asked.

I nodded.

"Sure." I didn't mind hanging out with Ashton.

We all got seats on the ride. Everyone but Luke.

"I'll stay here and watch the sloths." He said shyly.

"Lucas!" Calum shouted. "You been up on higher things before!"

Luke shrugged and took the sloths.

Ashton took the seat beside me once again.

As the ride lifted up into the air I looked down at Luke. He was staring at his feet, the two sloths didn't look as big in his arms. Then he looked up directly at me. I felt that stupid feeling in my stomach and quickly turned away to Ashton who was yelling something at Michael a couple rows ahead of us.

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