Reproaches from the past

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"What the fuck was that?" Sun shouted inside the dressing room and slammed the door after he went in

"You never asked me for forgiveness, you didn't even talk to me about anything. I've been through a lot of shit on my own, you even told me last week, and I quote "A fucking liar" and now you say you love me?? Do you think this is a fucking game??"

"I don't. I've been a jerk. A total idiot. An asshole. And being far away from you made me understand life without you isn't life. I realized it long time ago, but my ego is so big I reacted like that"

"Ohh, come on. Save that shit for a song" She said

"I've seen your eyes back there, on stage. And I could feel you liked that... Shit... On a song..." Bono said

"But this is insane. I'm not a game, I'm not your game. And you're going to be a father for Christ sake! What the hell are you thinking on?!"

"It's not mine. I don't love her, she doesn't love me, we were having a bad time and decided to just have sex. That was it. She's a friend. Any other question?" Bono said firmly and Sun's face looked confused "We were having a friends with benefits kind of thing. No attachments, no nothing. She knows me and I know her. We have hard agendas and I knew she would understand that I wouldn't ask for something more, that there would be no phone calls, no nothing and that she wouldn't sell shit to the media. I've always took care, it's not mine."

"You were fucking your best friend?! And you just think that's normal??!! What the fuck??!!"

"Well... We just sang for more than t90 million people that saw us on TV. Do you think that's normal?"

"That's our job. Jesus! Don't deflect. Look at me and tell me this is normal in your life"

"It was. But don't tell me you've been totally single this time, not having sex, not drinking, doing nothing!"

"I was dying you son of a bitch!! And no, I fucked some men. I lost count of how many. But I closed my eyes and thought every single one of them were you. And I got drunk thinking of you. And went to sleep thinking of you. And cried thinking of you. And touched myself thinking of you"

Bono remained silent

"So, you have nothing to say now, right?... Yeah, that's what I thought" Sun said and stood next to the door

"Helena was just sex without feelings, explanations or having to call back. Just sex. But I did fucked Courtney several times and since we're being honest, do you wanna know why?" Bono asked as he was standing next to her at the door "Because she looks like you. But no one, no fucking one of them can make me feel the way you do. No matter how similar they are. So yes, sex, alcohol, drugs and depression were normal, and still are in a way. This is who I became when you left me. Or do I have to remind you that YOU stopped taking my calls, or calling or even fucking telling me why you were breaking up with me, or at least that you were breaking up with me"

He opened the door to get out and found 3 men, like little boys, leaning on the door listening to their conversation from the other side

"What the fuck are you doing? How old are you, 8?" Bono said madly

"We're waiting for you both... We were supposed to do a conference after the show..." Edge said

"Everyone is waiting down on the conference room... For about 15 minutes now..." Larry added

"Sorry to interrupt guys. Tango, need you to come with me right now, it's "Song of the year" time, you got to be back on your sit please. The conference will be after the Song of the year thing. Need you to follow me to your sit" the organizer said as Sun followed him trough the hallways   

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