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Wel...Where to start with this lad!

First of all, nobody calls him Paul, he is Bono to everyone, except for his father. Bono is from Dublin, Ireland, but nobody knows where he lives, not even himself. His job is not an easy one, but hell is a great one. He's the lead singer of one of the best bands in the world, if it's not THE best. Lead singer, writer, poet, activist and so much more things, but deep inside he's just a normal guy from the North Side of Dublin. He's in his 30's, but he is ok with that number, the 33 is not scary to him, specially cause he lives it's day fully, after all he went thru.

Since his childhood things has been tough. His mother died in front of him at his grandfather's funeral. So life after that was not the same anymore. Home was just a house; it eventually became a place where 3 men went to sleep and shout to each other. His father was a hard man to understand and his brother was doing his own stuff, not supporting him. So there he was, alone, confused, sad, angry, and suddenly something entered his life to save him; MUSIC. Music took him out of that dark place and made him tear off all those hard emotions away in a piece of paper. That was the only moment he could feel safe and free. Music and his bandmates save him, and he will always be grateful for that. But there was something more that save him from the darkness he was in, and it was love. There was a girl, Ali, this smart, kind and soft girl who took care of him those days. She loved him with all her heart as well as he did to her. Their bounding was unique.   There were amazing together sometimes they didn't even need to talk just with a look they would know what the other one was thinking about. She took care of him like a mother, listened to him like a friend, loved him like a girlfriend, she was everything to him. But almost 3 years ago, while on her trip to save the children in Chernobyl an explosion occurred. She managed to take all the kids out, but she couldn't. Bono was devastated, he was completely broken and facing the death of a loved one once again. He went home alone in Dublin and didn't get out of if for 2 months. He didn't wanted to talk to anyone or do anything except drinking and doing nothing. Eventually his bandmates and friends got scared and started getting him out and bringing his friend to their houses to try make him think about other thing, but nothing happened. So Edge the guitar player and best friend of Bono, decided that if music saved him once maybe this time music will be the only thing that could save him again. So that was what they did, again music gathered all together and tragic became magic into those painful songs.

Now he's a wonderer of the world and every place is home for him if he is with his friends and bandmates. But Ireland is not anymore the place where he goes to find himself and some peace, since Ali's death he just cannot go back there. He likes the view of the sea and grey skies. Seems the grey color and the rain suits him well to write, maybe nostalgia helps to get inspiration for new songs, but it's way too painful to him. Thats why he feels free on tour, one day he wakes up in London, others in Rome, Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam... Again, he's a wonderer especially on tour, but he seems to enjoy more than being alone in the rainy Dublin.

Now the band is on top of the world. They recently ended the most successful tour of all times, playing around the world with all the shows sold out every night. Also won Best Album, Best Tour, Best Song and Best Video at the Grammys. Not too bad for 4 lads from the north side of Dublin.

But now the tour is ending. There's just one more show and everyone's going home. And suddenly he has a feeling that all those nights full of people, friends and fun are going to vanish. Bono is going to Dublin again; that grey and rainy place that gives him nostalgia.  Those full nights, are now going to be empty. Is hard to get yourself together after 80.000 people are shouting your name and singing the music you wrote every night for almost 2 years. That is the only thing he doesn't like of his job. He feels the loneliness after all the fullness and sometimes is just too hard to control, especially the first days, and Bono is a person who hates being alone, he's just alone when he needs to get inspiration for a new song, but not for too long. His bandmates are going home, some of them with theirs kids, others their wives, others their parents. But he has nothing. No wife, no kids, no girlfriend, he lost everything he once had, and the ending of the tour is a reminder of that. So there's a big question mark in his head about what is he going to do after the show. He decided the feeling of lost is not gonna get him again, not this time. And deep in his heart, he knows Ali would want him to be happy and live everyday as his fullest.

He wants to clear his head. To get inspiration and new ideas for another record. Bono cannot live without music or not thinking about what's next. He knows that maybe he's not ready for what's next, but anyway he's gonna try.

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