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Bono and Sun were alone. They were on the hall, were a few years ago Bono wrote his best songs. That place used to be a ball room before the war started, and then it got abandoned to finally become a music studio.

Bono felt the ghosts of the past inside that place. But wounds were slowly scarring

"I feel I need to tell you something" Bono said

"Can we please sit? I can barely keep stand" Sun said

Bono grabbed her by her waist and took her to a corner close to a window were there was a little bench.

"Now it's my turn to drag you somewhere" Bono said with a grin on his face

"Jesus, I'm not that bad. It's the first time I drink. It could have been worst. I'm just dizzy not drunk, and having a really big headache" She replied

"Let's go to the bar so I can get you a glass of water" He said

"No" Sun grabbed his hand back as he was standing "Tell me what you wanted to tell me"

"Ok" Said Bono "where to start?"

"From the beginning maybe" She said

Bono laughed "My name is Bono. I am not a painter. I am singer, the lead singer of a band called U2. A very famous band, actually one of the most popular in the word. Which apparently you don't seem to know. I started painting after my wife Ali passed away. Music and painting were the only things that got all of the shit out of my head. Also alcohol and depression were my best friends back then. I lost my course and total interest on myself. I was a time bomb ready to explode. But my mates, the ones that are here with me, save my ass and took me here to put all that was going on in my head into a piece of paper. And that's what I did. We made a record in here. Dark lyrics, painful songs, everything went on those papers. I took all the shit out. The album was pure success and then we went touring for almost 2 years. They were with me the entire time. As well as music. But when the tour ended, I didn't know what to do. I felt I didn't have a home anymore so I ended up in Buenos Aires, trying to spend some time with myself in the worst time of the year. New Year's killed me. I used to spend those days with Ali and our friends, but I was alone and missed her so much I couldn't handle her absence. And then you came in. And you said "There will always be a tomorrow to go for a run" and that got me. I thought every day for me was a tomorrow but I didn't saw it as an opportunity. And then I realized I had to get back to music and friends and get all my shit together. And they took me out to Berlin. So here we are"

Sun was trying to understand everything he just said to her.

"Wow, that's way too much to process" She said

"I know. And I have to thank you for that. I never thanked you for what you did, and even I treated you like shit. So I feel like...well...shit!" He said

"It's ok" She said gently stroking her face with her hands

"Are you ok?" Bono asked staring at her with his intense look

"Can I have that glass of water please" She said

"Sure" Bono said "Take my hand come on" he said as she raised her hand. Bono grabbed her by her waist so she won't balance that much. She's was not that drunk, but she liked the way he holded her tight like don't wanting to let her go. He felt the same way.

The rest of the lads and Eli were laughing and drinking on the bar, when they heard steps coming from the hall.

"There are coming shh" Said Guggi like a 15 year old boy, and then all lowered their voices.

"She wants a glass of water, would you guys hand me one please?" Bono asked the boys as they held him one

Bono grabbed the glass and sat in a corner of the bar with Sun. She drunk some water and stare at him.

"What you just told me was probably really hard for you to say. And you didn't have to explain me all that. So I appreciate what you did. And I am happy that you changed your mind and you are not destroying yourself anymore. Congrats for that. And I am sorry for the state I'm in now. I know I will be totally ashamed tomorrow" she said smiling

"It's alright. And trust me, you saw me way much more fucked up that I see you now. So don't worry about that, you look amazing on those black leather pants and messy hair" he said

"Thanks" she blushed "There is something I didn't told you before" Sun said

"Really?" Bono asked raising an eyebrow

"That night, when you were awaking you told me something" Bono looked at her with a serious face "You called me Ali, several times. And that you were sorry. That it should have been you instead of her. And then you just bursted into tears"

"Wow. I'm sorry about that. I have completely forgotten about it...." Bono said looking down

"Hey" Sun said as she gently raised his head with her finger "If you looked at her the way you did to me that night and told her that you loved her the same way you talked to me thinking I was her, she knew you would offer yourself before her any time. So don't worry. She knew you would do anything to save her" She said while a tear fell from his blue eyes.

"Holy shit. You seem to find the right words at the right moment every time we see each other" Bono said staring at her

"Oh god" Sun said as nausea came in.

"Come here, come on" Bono grabbed her by her waist and get her to the toilet. He held her hair with one hand and with other caressed her back. He was on his knees from behind holding her while she vomited her soul.

"It's ok. Let it all out. You are going to feel better after it. Trust me, I know" Bono whispered in her ear

Eli came in to see Bono and her friend both on their knees. Bono was caressing her back and holding her friend's hair while she hugged the toilette.

"Oh my god! This night is epic. I really can't believe it" Eli said meanwhile she pinched herself just to check she wasn't dreaming

Bono laughed at what Eli's had said "What did she had?"

"A glass of grapefruit with vodka, but she never drank alcohol before, among other things, so..." Eli said shrugging

"Jesus! First time, really?" Eli nodded, "Eli, come here. Help me take her to my bed" Bono said while looking at her almost asleep on the toilet

"Wait what?!" Eli said with her eyes opened as two baseball balls

"I won't let you drive at this time and with her like this. So please help me get her to my bed so she can rest. You stay with her tonight. And don't worry, I will sleep in another room if that is your concern" Bono said while holding Sun with both arms.

"Ok." Eli said and helped him carry Sun to his room, still without believing what happened that night

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