Eyes Open

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They were both kissing each other lovely and passionate at the same time. Bono got lost into her, and couldn't stop kissing her, caressing her jawline and grabbing her waist tightly, like don't wanting to let her go.
Sun was feeling fire inside. She surrendered herself into his arms and charm. Her eyes were closed, but every few seconds she opened them. Sun didn't want to lose any detail of this moment. Maybe it was the last, so she needed to have a memory of this.
Her eyes were wide open now staring at him while they were passionately kissing, until he finally opened his eyes to find hers looking straight at those turquoise eyes. They were both still close to each other.
"Wow" he said a laughing a bit "Holy shit" he added then
"I'm sorry" Sun felt guilty for staring at him that way
"Why were you looking at me that way? Weren't you enjoying it?" Bono asked curious
"I was enjoying in every sense. I could feel your skin, hear your breath, smell your perfume, taste you and see you..."
"It's a little bit intense to be looked like that...But it's sexy" He said smiling
"I didn't want to lose any detail of you.  I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable" She said now looking serious and directly to those eyes
"Well...To be honest I like what you said...Do you do this with everyone?" Bono asked now seriously
"Everyone...Like I've been with too many" she said thinking out loud
"I know...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that... I always close my eyes, but now that you say that, I like the idea" He said with his eyes full of interest
"Want to try?" Sun added in a very sexy way as she got close to him, and slowly kissed his lips. Both had their eyes opened now. Sometimes they will look down to see the other's lips, sometimes they will just look at each other's eyes. Bono felt the intensity of her. He couldn't understand how someone so naïve in love matters could be so hot and sexy.
"Oh my" He said a few minutes later, and both still very close to each other
"How do you feel?" She asked looking at him with a lovely face
"I feel...well...I don't know...at first a bit awkward, but then I enjoyed looking at you, your expressions..." He said smirking
"You know when your eyes are close you imagine what the other one is feeling. But when your eyes are open you can see other's feeling through their expressions..." She said like an expert
"Seems you're a professional" Bono added chuckling
"Pff! I'm so far away from that..." She said mocking herself
"That's what you think..." he said looking at her with insensitivity
"Bono...I'm not promiscuous" She said looking serious
He smiled and stayed silent for sometime
"I don't know what it's funny about that..." She said looking a bit angry
"You called me Bono for the first time... And sounded beautiful" He said with a stupid teenager face "And I know you are not promiscuous. I don't know you that much yet, but I see a woman that wants real feelings, and enjoys real things. I think you don't want to give space to fake stuff. That's why everything you do or say, you do it with passion and intensity. And that is what I just felt" He added looking serious and stroking her messy hair out of her face as she just melt away. He always knew what to say and how to look at her to make her crazy about him.
"You read hands now?" She said smiling
"I read lips" He sexily added as he touched her lips with his fingers, and stopped in her stiches "This is getting better quite fast" he said
"It's just a scar now..." she said as Bono licked her stiches with his tongue
"It's my scar now" He said in a very hot way as she bitted her lip
"Oh no, no. Stop doing that" He said trying to control himself
"Biting your lip" He imitated her
"Oh...Sorry. I'm not feeling pain on my lip if that's the reason..." Sun asked confused
"Is not because of that. Just don't do it now. Please" He tried to explain
"It makes you uncomfortable? I'm sorry I don't understand" She said naively
"It turns me on. Really bad. So don't do it now, ok?" He said giving that look again
"Ohh. Sorry I don't do it on purpose" She said as she always did it without knowing
"I know" He said "See, that's how I know you are not promiscuous..." He added smiling "And also because you told me you've never been with a man. I'm your first boxer man...And I hope to be your first man on others things too" he said with a lovely look but at the same time full of desire
"Oh lord" she said totally blushed "I told you that after the club right? That was our serious conversation?" she asked
"Yes. And I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told you that night, when you told me you were afraid of it; don't be. You waited for someone to blow your mind, something real, real feelings. As I say, I believe you are an intense and passionate woman and you deserve what you dream and what you want. So don't be afraid" He said looking serious
"Thanks for that. And for being honest and taking care of me that night" She said with an honest voice
"It's ok. Just don't bite your lip. You ain't ready yet" He said looking at her in a very, very sexy way
"I'll try" she said smirking and blushing
They were both looking at each other, still standing, Sun against the wall and Bono close to her on the whole conversation. Bono finally broke the silence after some time just admiring each other.
"Ok now. Let me get you to your room" He said as he took her hand and went upstairs.
He opened the door for her and stayed standing outside the room
"Let me know if there's something else you need" He said still looking at her
"I will. Thanks" She said looking a bit confused
"I'm in that room" He said pointing at the door at the end of the hall "If you need something, just knock"
"Good night" she said and kissed him gently with her eyes open
"Night" he said looking at her and finally letting her hand go
They both went to bed. Alone, thinking about that night. Their first kiss, yet they hopped the first of many.
Sun lay in bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking of Bono. She felt happy with him; she could talk about serious stuff but had a blast at the same time. He was interesting, smart, kind, romantic, and hot, way too hot. And he knew it, and he knew how to use it. His eyes and his smile could tell more than worlds and would make you feel desire and pity at times. Sun was amazed at this character and wanted to know him better. He was a big question mark and that was interesting to someone who analyzes everything. She never knew what to expect, in fact, she thought something was going to happen since they were alone in his house, but again, he's full of surprises.  
Bono went into his room. He took his clothes off and went to the shower. While on it, he couldn't take Sun of his mind. That mysterious woman, smart, funny, confident, honest, with the most amazing smile and dance moves, sexy but naïve at the same time. She was a bunch of contradictions, but very interesting and hot contradictions he wanted to know better. After all Bono is a very determinate man, once he likes something he gets so much interest in it, he won't stop until he gets it.
So there he was, having a shower and thinking of her. Bono was soaping his body touching himself and imagining her. That girl was now living in his mind. He felt he wanted and needed her more. Bono still felt her lips in his and her perfume on his skin. His hand still felt the softness of her dress. At that moment he knew he desired her more than he thought. She was a special one.

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