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"Adam you stay here and watch her. Larry you go to get a car, we're getting out of here. Edge stay with Bono. Don't fucking let him go" Guggi said as he thought about what we was going to do

"Hey. Your name is Sun right?" Guggi asked her

"How the hell do you know?" Sun said scared

"Cause my friend happen to know you" He said gently "I assume you are not here alone, since you're from a country far away from here"

"Uhm. No. I'm with a friend" Sun replied even more scared now

"Where is she?" Guggi asked putting gently his hand on her shoulder

"I don't know you! Who are you?" She said "Don't touch me"

"Look, the screaming is because of my friends. They already know who they are. So we have to get out quick. I'm offering you to come both with me and my friends to another place." Guggi said seeing she still wasn't convinced "See him?" he pointed Bono being grabbed by the Edge "Do you know him?"

"Yes" Sun said while her face went pale "The painter" she said

"Well... Painter... not exactly, but yeah. He's with me. Now, would you tell me where your friend is please?" Guggi gently asked

"She's there" Sun pointed Eli

"Let's get her" Guggi said while making a sign to Edge so they both leave the bar and fetch Larry outside.

Guggi went down to Eli

"Hello" Said Guggi offering a hand shake "I'm Guggi and my friend knows yours. Thing is this bar is full of people, would you mind coming with us to another one?" He said

Eli was totally confused. She looked at Sun waiting for an answer as she only nodded.

"Who is your friend Sun?" Eli asked "I believe you have no one here in Germany"

"They both meet in Buenos Aires, and now for a coincidence they happen to be both in the same city, at same moment in the same bar. I don't believe in coincidences, I don't know about you lady. So shall we?" Guggi asked while pointing the exit door.

"Ok then" Eli said still confused.

Larry found a getaway car, but they were 7, so they needed 2 cars. Larry, Adam, Edge and Bono where already on the alley behind the bar, waiting for Guggi to bring the girls. Bono was still in shock. Guggi's words about coincidences where bouncing in his head. Finally Guggi arrived with the two girls looking totally confused. Specially Eli, who recognized the boys but was trying to convince herself it was the booze and not a real thing.

"Guggi, we have only one car, you go with Bono, we will get right back to you when we found another. Let's meet in the Studio. There's a bar there" Larry said at the same time he opened the door for the ladies to come in.

Bono looked at her and she did as well. They both stared at each other for a few seconds in silence. They couldn't stop looking at each other, like talking with their eyes in silence.

"Darling will you get in please. The girls are coming" Said Guggi to Bono and Sun who were completely lost into each other as he pointed his face to around 15 German girls running to them and shouting

"Oh shit" Larry said "Let's go! There's another car there!"

"Yeah ladies, we need 3 more, just 3" Adam said joking to the German girls

Guggi, Eli, Bono and Sun got into a car. Guggi was sitting next to the driver sit, and Sun was in the middle of Bono and Eli.

"Ok Let's go to Hansa please" Guggi said to the driver

It was a short drive. It took about 5 minutes, but it felt like 5 years to Bono and Sun. Eli was still confused. The only one who was totally ok was Guggi. He felt like a teenager. He talked during the entire drive. But nobody was listening.

"Here we are" Guggi said

They all get out of the car and entered Hansa Studios

"Here's were magic happened a few years ago" Guggi said looking at Bono

"So...Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Eli asked staring at her friend

"I think they have to talk, so come with me and I'll explain you" Guggi said

Eli looked at her friend just to make sure she was ok, and it was real. "Do you know Bono?" she asked confused

"It's ok Eli. I know him" Sun said looking at Bono "I don't know this guy –said pointing at Guggi – but I trust him, so it's aright" Sun said still not knowing how her friend knows his name...

"Shall we?" Guggi asked Eli as the rest of the band arrived

"Hey we are here now! Let's go to the bar so we can have a drink" Edge said

"Oh my god! I knew it!! This is not booze, this is real, you are U2!!" Eli said now with clear light she could recognize all of them "What the fuck Sun! Do you know them?"

"What?" Sun asked confused "I just know him he is Paul" Sun said looking at him

"Jesus Christ Sun" Eli said almost cracking a laugh "He's Bono you idiot! The lead singer of U2!" She said while sun stared at Bono's face as he nodded and sigh at the same time "And he is Edge, Adam and Larry" she said pointing them in order as all of them nodded

"I don't know what you are talking about" Sun said totally confused "I'm drunk and if you made this my birthday surprise I am really not getting it" She said

"Holy fuck!" Guggi said "It's your birthday! Happy birthday then! Again what a coincidence" Guggi said ironically and giving a look to his mate Bono "Now for Christ sake Bono, tell this girl who you are and tell her what you have to say" Guggi said sounding more like a father than a friend. "So let's go. We have some drinks to take!" Guggi said while putting his arm around Eli's shoulder.

"I think I'll have to pinch myself just to know if I'm dreaming" Eli said now with a smile on her face

"You don't have to. But I think your friend and mine does" Guggi said

They all laughed and went directly to the bar.

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