The Secret

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The girls headed to were Guggi and Bono where. Adam was the only one not drinking or smoking, he stayed clean since his incident in the latest tour, where we lost a gig for being too stoned and drunk almost unconscious.
Edge and Bono were talking in a corner of the garden, sipping their drinks and talking. Eli, Sun, Guggi and Adam where on the other side of the garden having a blast, until Guggi took her aside and things got serious.
"So, what about you and Bono?" Guggi caught Sun unprepared for an answer, since she had that same question for a few weeks now on her head
"Well... we're getting to know each other" She said blushing
"Well... we all know that... But how do you feel with him?" Guggi said
"I don't know. I guess I like him... It's just... I'll leave in a few days...Honestly, I don't know what to do about it..." She said
"Well... I guess you should talk to him about it, about what you feel. I told him the same yesterday. He had that doubt. But he's too afraid to talk about maybe if you bring the subject out, it might be different" Guggi suggested
"Thanks for your honesty Guggi. I know you've been friends for a long time and that you care about him" Sun said looking at him tenderly "But I find it hard to keep this going when we're leaving in the opposite countries of the world"
"I know. And again, he has the same fear, but if you don't try you'll never know...Look at him" he said while grabbing Sun's arm and pointing with his eyes at where Bono was "I've never seen him like this since Ali's passed. He's smiling again, he's having fun again, he's opening himself again, all since you appeared into his life" He added
"I doubt that is because of me" She replied humbly
"Well, it is. I know him for a long time, you pointed that out a few minutes ago, so I know it's you Sun... Now go and have fun with him, this is party for God's sake! Get a grin out of that beautiful face!" He smiled at her tenderly
"Adam, get Edge please, tell him his wife is boring of him talking about pedals, effects and echo's with Bono" Guggi told Adam and then looked at Sun heading to where Bono was

"Hey" Sun said to Bono as Adam whispered something to Edge and both left
"Hey" Bono said looking around "And here we are again" he said smiling at her
"I want to get drunk tonight" She said smirking and blushing at the same time
"Wow. There's been not even one day you didn't surprise me" He said looking amazed "Remember that all the times you got drunk, you regretted about it after?" he said smiling
"But this will be the last time. We're in a party, aren't we?" She asked sexily
"Yes, we are. Let me get you something to drink"
"Drink with me, please" She said grabbing his hands "Let's get both drunk"
"Jesus, what's going on with you! Are you ok?" He asked confused
"I'm leaving in 5 days... So, I guess I won't have this anymore" She said looking at him with a bit of sadness in her eyes
"I know...But you don't have to say that" He said finally laughing "Ok, you win"
They got some vodka, whiskey, tequila until the night turned to early morning. They were both drunk sitting in a couch out in the garden, silent, admiring the view. The morning sun was about to come out. She was feeling cold (as always) so Bono was hugging her tight. They were looking so tender and sweet, yet so lost into their future.
"Talk to me about her" Sun finally spoke
"About who?" Bono asked a bit confused, he had way too much whiskey to understand deep questions
"About Ali" She said looking a bit afraid of the answer
"Well... I loved her. And still do" he said lovely
"I know that. Tell me something I don't know"
"She was kind, soft, smart. She had a very particular sense of humor. She would always understand you, sometimes even if you didn't speak. She could feel what was going on my mind. I miss that... We never argued and the few times we did, was mainly because of something stupid I did or said" He said looking down, Sun could feel his pain trough his voice and eyes "Last time we fought, it was the day before she left to Chernobyl. I didn't want them to go... She was risking herself too much and even in her condition, it was something new to her, to both of us. Radiation, buildings collapsing, fire everywhere, and she wanted to go by herself. But I couldn't let them go. It was also my responsibility now, not only hers"
"Let them go? ... I thought she went alone" she asked
"Well... She did..." he said making Sun even more confused now
"Bono...Wait...Was she...Preg..?" She was asking until Michael appeared shouting, looking way too drunk and stoned
"Come here guys!! It's cold in here, the party is inside now!!" he said grabbing Bono almost dragging him into his house
Sun followed both, she wanted and needed to know the answer. Once inside, everybody was there; Michael, Adam, Edge, Morleigh, Guggi, Eli, Bono, Michel Stipe, Killie Minogue, Helena Christensen, Kate Moss.
"Hey B, how long will it take?" Michael asked
"To what?" Bono asked without understanding the question
"To fuck her" Michael answered as Sun's face went pale
"I don't...what?" He still didn't understand
"When are you going to fuck her, because I want to fuck her too" Michael said now pointing to Sun
Bono giggled while everyone looked at Sun, who was totally angry about Bono's reaction to his friend's stupid question
"Hey Michael, shut up man. You're too drunk" Edge stopped him for continuing saying stupid things
"Get him out girls" Guggi said to the girls that were with him
Sun got up from the table and left. Eli followed her friend
"You idiot! How come you do something like that?!" Guggi shouted at Bono
Eli followed Sun. She was determined and angry "Hey! Hey! Stop running" Eli shouted at her
Sun finally stopped running and let herself fall on the sand
"Come here love" Eli said as she hugged her tight
"I can't believe he said nothing. He giggled Eli, he giggled! And in front of everyone, like I'm his bitch!" she said angrily
"He was drunk, Sun. He would never do something like that to you"
"He did Eli, he did!! I want to go. I must pick my things up and go. I'm so naïve to think he was going to be different than anyone else. Turns out Edge and Guggi took care of me the way he should" she said totally disappointed and enraged
Sun and Eli started walking through the beach to Bono's house. Once they arrived, they saw a girl looking like a hooker standing on the door, like waiting for something or someone.
"Hey, what are you waiting for?" Eli asked
"I'm waiting for Bono" she replied
"He's not coming now, we assume he'll be back a bit too late" Eli said
"Michael told me to wait here...So I'll wait" The girl said with determination
"Wait for what?!" Sun asked looking angry
"For Bono. Every time I'm with Mike he comes around. Mike told me he needed to relax he was under stress, so since he's coming here....I'm waiting for him." She said feeling totally normal
"Get out, he's not coming. So get out" Eli said looking at her broken hearted friend.
"Ok then. Don't talk to me like that, if you're angry, be angry with him, not me" The girl said and left
"I'm so naïve, so stupid... how come..." Sun was saying totally disappointed "So he treated me like shit, he lied to me, and he shares hookers with Michael Hutchance. What an asshole I am"
Bono's house keeper appeared from the inside and recognized Sun. He opened the door to let the girls in.
"Where are we going Eli?" Sun asked while grabbing all of her stuff
"You got 4 days left, so we're gonna relax and enjoy in our own way" Eli asked trying to lift her friend's mood
"Any place far away from him will be fine" Sun said "We need a car to the airport" she said some minutes later
"We'll ask the house keeper for one, don't worry" Eli said
The girls waited outside for the taxi under the cold dawn and wind of the French coast. After a few minutes waiting, Sun remembered something
"Eli...I think Ali was pregnant when she had the accident" Sun said as Eli's face went pale, she didn't expect that
"What?!" Eli asked totally surprised
"He said "Let them go" and Ali was alone. He said they had an argument before she left, because he didn't want them to go and said "It was also my responsibility now" like it was something new for them..." Sun said
"Oh shit. Are you sure?" Eli asked
"I was going to ask him, but then this asshole came and took him inside and well... fuck him... I really don't know why I am still trying to help him after tonight" Sun said getting angry again

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