We've got company

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The light of dawn awaked her. Sun found herself lying in bed, still not believing what had happened last night. She felt different, she didn't know exactly what she felt, but it was a good feeling. She turned aside to only find crumpled sheets where Bono slept with her a few hours ago. She woke up and put her clothes on.
There were noises coming from downstairs, so she decided to walk down to find Bono in the kitchen.
He was wearing a beautiful red shirt and black jeans. His hair was completely tousled, like if we didn't combed since last night adventure. He turned around when he heard her coming. His eyes have never been that blue before. Sun melted right away as he stare at her with his bright eyes, smiley eyes.
"Morning beauty" Bono said with a devilish look as he saw her and kissed her "I'm making coffee. Would you like some?" he asked as Sun nodded. When he turned around she hugged him from behind and rested her chin on his shoulder
"Thank you for taking care of me" She said as Bono turned around to face her
"Thank you for opening yourself to me" he caressed her check with his chubby fingers and kissed her
"How do you feel?" Bono asked tenderly, grabbing her hand.
"It's a strange feeling, but I like it. You were so gentle and sweet with me" She said while caressing his hand with hers
"You were amazing" Bono grabbed her waist and pushed her gently against him, then he grabbed both her hands and got close to her, almost touching his mouth with hers.
"You know I dreamt of last night a long time ago, remember? The dream was incredible, but last night...last night was above expectations" Bono said and kissed her neck slowly while grabbing her waist tightly and pushing her against him. The kiss went deeper, Bono's fingers where dancing on her curvy body, from her waist to her bum to stay there playing with her hot undies while kissing slowly but sexy.
She was just leaving herself into his arms, once again. Sun knew he was irresistible and there was nothing she could do with his gaze, she was totally vulnerable at it.

"Heyyyy we're here" Guggi shouted interrupting them without being aware, until he saw them in the kitchen very into each other "OH

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"Heyyyy we're here" Guggi shouted interrupting them without being aware, until he saw them in the kitchen very into each other "OH.... I'm sorry...I didn't know you..." he said as Sun blushed hard
They both pretend like nothing happened, continuing doing what they were doing before things went too hot.
"It's ok...You were made for interrupting others darling" Bono said serving coffee in two cups, smirking a bit while looking at Sun, just like teenagers do.
"Serve two more please!" Said Guggi while Eli was behind him shocked by her friend being so sexy and hot with Bono "So...What are your plans Bono?" He said taking him aside "You know, for the next album"
"What next..." Bono was saying until he got gently kicked by Guggi on his feet "Well... I've been working on..." he started inventing as they went outside, leaving Eli and Sun alone in the kitchen
"Oh shit. You slept with him. I can feel it!" Eli said more excited than Sun
"Last night" Sun said blushing, biting her lip
"Last night? Oh my god!! Oh my god! He took his time! And how do you feel?"
"Weird...I mean, it was beautiful and so, so sexy. He's been gentle and sweet with me, and very romantic"
"Oh lord! If he gives you those looks full of desire I can't imagine his hotness in bed. Did you like it?" Eli asked exited
"He is... well... indescribable. And yes, I liked it... very much" she blushed "And what about you and Guggi?"
"Well...That's another story" she said and laugh "He's crazy and fun, a male version of myself. Adam is great too. I don't know. I'm just having fun, we're having fun" she said looking at Guggi and Bono outside

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