The looser, the winnner and the bet

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Two weeks passed since her trip to Europe started, and still couldn't believe what she was going through. She got to meet a lot of crazy, friendly and funny people like Guggi, Gavin and Adam, others more shy and gentle like Edge and Larry, and last but not least she got to know someone who drove her crazy, with his gaze, smile, eyes, voice, even though sometimes he didn't even need to talk to say something to her, she could already feel what he wanted to say with his look. She felt it was a dream, but still didn't want to wake up from it.
Sun was happy about those two weeks but at the same time, she knew there were only two weeks left from her trip, and she didn't want that time to pass.

It was yacht day today. Gavin owned one and every summer they go sailing around Ibiza and enjoying the quiet sea. Also since paparazzi's are everywhere, they can spend some time together without being photographed or molested. So they usually spend the best moments of the summer in that yacht.
Every year they do a swimming competition. The loser has to do a bet Gav writes down before the race starts, and the winner has to choose a place where the loser has to do the bet, still without knowing what the bet is.
Last year the winner, Bono, chose as a place "Beach" and Gav laughed as he showed his paper with the words "Bare Ass Dance" to the looser... Edge. So next day, Edge had to fulfill the bet by dancing bare butt in the middle of the beach while everyone where crying with laughter, expect for The Edge, who was totally blushed and ashamed. Bono never lost this game and every year they just hope he losses.

"Hello darling! I see you have a sexy swimwear" Gav said
"Thanks" Sun answered while blushing
"Are you going for the competition?" Gav asked
"Which one?" She asked interested
"The one we do every summer" Gav said while explaining her it was about, but not telling her about last year's bare butt on the beach
"Sounds childish, but fun" She said while smirking
"Gav, don't press her" Bono said appearing from nowhere
"Don't worry Bono, she's a hell of a swimmer" Eli said proudly looking at her friend
"Oh. Another thing you are good at" Bono said while staring at her with that intense look
"Ok then! No more talking. Get ready girl, we are starting in 5" Gav said as walking away
"You don't have to do it if you don't want to" Bono said now looking at her like they were only the two of them in the world
"It's ok. I didn't do a lot of things in my life, now it's time to do them and enjoy for the first time" She added
"Ok then. One advice; Don't lose. That's it. You will know why then" Bono said and then walked away
Eli was standing beside them and feeling the attraction and sexual tension in between those two.
"Oh lord. If someone looked at me that way I would throw myself over him. Jesus Sun, even I felt the heating" Eli said
"Come on Eli. Nothing happened" Sun said blushing
"Yeah, I know. But that doesn't mean that nothing will happen on the future. Or that he doesn't desire you or vice versa" Eli said with excitement while Sun went silent thinking about what her friend just told her.

"Ok ladies. Get ready" Gav said as Adam, Larry, Bono, Edge, Guggi, Anne, Eli and Sun were getting ready
"So Morleigh and I are going to be the referees of the competition. When the whistle blows the race starts. You all have to go to that buoy, go around it and came back to the yacht. Remember the rules are, there are no rules. And just take this advice....Don't lose" Gav said
"Everyone ready?" Morleigh asked as they all replied they were. The whistle sounded and everyone went to the water.
A few minutes after the whistle, Sun was first followed by Bono. Edge and Anne where both in the third place, Adam was next and Larry, Guggi and Eli were last.
They touched the buoy and turn around at the same order mentioned. And then the real competition started.
Bono suddenly passed Sun and made the first place. She was really close, behind him, until Bono kicked Sun's face hard. He turned to see what happened, since he felt something stroked his feet, and saw a woman with long brown hair who he thought it was Sun.
Sun's was bleeding from her nose and also a cut on her lip. She was trying to keep swimming; but felt way too dizzy because of the kick and stopped.
Finally Bono arrived first, followed by Anne, Edge, Eli, Guggi and Adam. Bono went up the boat, and until Adam said he was the last, they forgot Sun was missing.
"She was behind me!!" Bono said looking nervous
"Maybe she got tired" Anne thought
"No way she got tired. She really did a lot of competitions" Eli said in a serious tone
"Oh shit" Bono said "After the buoy I felt like I hit something with my feet, but I turned and I saw her, so I kept going" Bono said with a serious face
"That was me Bono" Anne said
"Shit, bring the little boat, we have to find her" Bono said now in shock
Bono, Eli, Ann and Edge took the boat, and the rest of them went looking for the first aid kit in case they have to use it.
"There she is!! Sun!!!!" Bono shouted to her, to see if she was ok.
They direct the boat to where she was and saw her face all bloody. Eli was almost in shock and Bono felt guilty as fuck.
He threw himself to grab her and take her to the boat.
"It's ok. I'm here" Bono said in a very lovely way "Can you hear me?" He asked begging for an answer.
Sun mumbled something. She was barely conscious and battling to still be awake otherwise she would have drown.
Bono grabbed her tightly from her waist and pushed her against him.
"We're close to the boat, hold on girl, come on" Bono was whispering to her ear as he headed the boat.
Eli, Edge and Anne helped Bono to get Sun into the boat.
"Oh shit Bono" Edge said with an angry look, just like a father castigating his teenage son
"I fucked it....I really did" Bono said looking down
"Calm down. Don't get me more nervous than I am" Eli said
Bono grabbed her face gently and with the water of the sea cleaned her bloody face. He found a concision on her upper lip.
"Still looking beautiful though" Bono said out loud while gently caressing her cheeks as Eli left a smirk scape her lips

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