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Once they got all the luggage in their rooms, they walked around the house.

"That's the piano I was talking about" Bono pointed the Grand black piano "The sound that comes from it its unique. And you can find inspiration just by looking up into that view"

"You're eyes light up when you talk about music. Did you know that?" Sun said smiling and looking at him

"I've been told" he said looking down "Ali used to tell me that"

"I'm sorry...I didn't know that... really I.."

"It's ok, you don't have to know. I don't play the piano since then. And now I see this piano and you tell me that..."

"Let's get out of here" Sun took his hand as Bono looked at her full of surprise "Let's go out for a run" she said as Bono smirked a little

It was around 6pm. The sun was going down, letting the red color of the sunset to come in. They ran for about 30 minutes and stopped in a hill where they could see the whole coast, sea and sunset.

"You are unstoppable" He said while gasping

"That's the idea...So I can run from people and don't get caught" She said smiling

"So you were running from me?" Asked Bono smirking

"No. Even though you are easy to run from" She said and smirked back

"Oh. Nice joke. So if you're not running from me...What are you running from?" He said

"I don't know...From myself I guess" Sun answered with a thoughtfull face

"I think we're both running from our past...And we got this beautiful view in return. This is our medal for today's run"

"it's a nice thought, and indeed is a nice medal" Sun said looking at him

"Which one? The sunset or me?" Bono said joking but serious at the same time

"A little of both" she said blushing

Bono stood up from where they were sitting and took her hand to help her stand up and get back to Gavin's house.

They had dinner all together. They knew each other just by looking at their eyes. The 6 of them were teen's trapped into man's bodies. They told anecdotes and laugh the whole time. Anne and Morleigh were kind and friendly with the girls trying to make them feel comfy. Eli and Sun felt they were friends of them for ages.

"Oh man! What a beautiful night! I've been waiting for this since Al..." Adam said until he got interrupted

"What a blast really" Said Edge trying to save Adam from saying more than he should

"It's ok" Bono said. "It's been a great night, really. I didn't laugh so much in years"

"Yeah. Me too" Guggi said as they all nodded

"Well then! Lest get to bed. Tomorrow we're going on a boat trip!" Gav said

"Oh Gav I love you. No one organizes things like you do" Said Guggi kissing his front and caressing his checks while everyone were laughing.

Once in their room, Bono grabbed some blankets, laid them on the floor and took a pillow from the bed.

"I sleep naked... so I hope you don't mind..." Bono said while looking at Sun as she open her eyes widely

He laughed "It's a joke. Don't panic" he said smirking. While taking off his shirt and wearing only his boxers

"I got that face because I was going to tell you the same..." She said and now Bono's eyes were wide open

She laughed "But it's a joke. Don't panic" she smirked

She got out of the bathroom wearing a silk tight white short and a white and golden silk shirt. Bono admired her from his floor bed for a few seconds until he realize she's been looking at him the whole time.

"Oh.... I'm sorry" Bono said blushing "It's been a long time"

"It's been a long time from what?" Sun asked while raising her eyebrows and getting to her bed

"Sleeping but not sleeping with a girl" he said staring at her

"Really?" She asked curious

"Well... yes. Since what happened I had sex with a lot of girls, but it was not the same... You don't feel the connection, the feelings or a bonding. It's like empty sex. And it's not the same. I'm not gonna be hypocrite and tell you I didn't like it. But I didn't fully enjoy it, like I was not there. My mind or feelings were not there, just my body. I wasn't interested on those girls. So I ended that kind of fakeness a few months ago. Do you know what I mean?" Bono said with a serious look now

"No... But it's ok" Sun responded ashamed looking other way

"That's great you didn't feel that way" Bono said looking up at her from his bed on the floor but she didn't answer "Anyway... I don't know why I said that... I'm sorry. I really never talk about this. I don't know what happened. Let's pretend I never said that, ok?" Bono said looking ashamed

"Ok then" she replied "Good night"

Sun heard some noise coming from the bathroom, like if someone was talking. She turned around to see the clock ticking at 2 am. She looked down to see Bono, but he was not in his bed so she got closer to the bathroom door. There was a lot of muttering from the inside. She opened the door to see Bono sitting on the floor desperately writing something on a piece of paper.

"Jesus! Are you ok?" Sun asked al frightened

"I'm sorry to awake you. I had a dream and I'm trying to write it down and make a song about it" said Bono with his blue eyes brighten

"Are you on drugs?" Sun asked with a serious look

Bono got up violently and stood in front of her just a few inches away "I don't do that..." he seriously said as Sun could feel his breath and his blue eyed intense look "I dreamt of you and I will make a song about it". Bono said while staring at her "Go to bed now" He said still close to her, almost touching her nose with his. Sun was speechless. She could hear his breath and feel his eyes into at hers. She looked at him straight to his eyes and turned around, going back to bed, just as he said.

His eyes here staring at Sun's the whole time even when she turned around back to bed. Only then he went back to finish what he started.

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