Showtime in Buenos Aires

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8 months passed. Bono and the lads where trying to have at least one good show. The entire North American leg was finished. The European leg was almost over as well. The producers said they had a strong demand in the south (something that never happened in the entire tour) so for the first time in U2's history, they'd go to South America.

It was a bit of a strange feeling. Relief was one, they would get some sold outs and have the chance to get more positive. The other feeling was excitement; they would get to do shows in Argentina and Brazil, two countries where every single band or singer describe as the most amazing and craziest audience in the entire world. And that was what they needed now. A sold out and a crazy and noisy audience to get their confidence back. The band knew, so their objective was to focus on rehearsals and do the best show, to change the reality of the tour. As it was expected, it was a total success. The media got crazy as well as the people. There were 2 sold outs in only a few hours.

The band arrived to Buenos Aires. Bono felt a bit awkward, since Argentina meant a bunch of mixed feelings for him. Not only the place was special, but also a person who inspired him to write the entire album was there as well as the desire to play for that crazy audience.

At the moment he put a foot on stage, people got insane. Shouting, jumping and singing, even once the show was over. Bono felt those vibes from the audience and gave his entire self to the show. He poured his heart out. He wasn't only singing the songs, he was feeling them. He closed his eyes on some of them, he shouted in others, danced and let him be taken by every song. But the best thing came on the second show. Is the first show was great, that one was totally insane.

His energy was like a 20 year old child wanting to take the world with his voice. He sang with his heart and every single person in the audience felt his effort and the connection in every song and when the chords of Velvet Dress started sounding, Bono felt her eyes on him. He felt her presence there, but couldn't see her. Since the show was being amazing, by far the best of the entire tour, he just let his emotions and grabbed a girl from the audience. She certainly looked like his muse, but it wasn't her. But just in case she was looking, she'll know that song was for her and that he would like to dance it with her. He took the girl's hand and hugged her gently, while slow dancing. His voice was raspy, but sexy, painful but lovely, just like the song was. Mixed emotions and feelings.

He danced with the girl while singing the entire song, and only in the last verse he looked straight at her eyes. She just smirked like it was a dream, but those blue eyes were more real than ever. And when she less expected, he stopped dancing, grabbed her face softy with both hands and gave her a sweet and short kiss. His eyes were closed, as well as hers; it was such a tender image. The crowds shouted like if there were watching a movie and expecting that kiss for a long time. After they both separated from each other, the camera shoot both their faces and showed two blushed faces, like two teenagers in love. Bono then grabbed her hand once again and got close to her "What's your name?" he asked her. It was the first time he spoke to her "Soledad" she said back. Bono sighed; he clearly was getting the fucking message from the universe or who knows ....  He took his hand and kissed it and then wave at her as she went back to where she was "By Sol" he said, but he was talking to someone else instead....

The show finished. Bono went directly to his room backstage. There where famous people everywhere. Models, singers, journalists, actors, mainly women. Bono stayed alone for some minutes, sitting on his chair in silence, until Edge came in.

"Dude! That was a hell of a show!" he said smiling wide

"It was. I felt the crowd so close. They are insane" Bono said still amazed, it was too much to handle

"Love the girl. It was a nice way of closing the show. It felt so personal, I felt it, I really did"

"Yeah. And her fucking name though..." he said and sighed

"That was a coincidence. This is what we needed, your strong voice, emotions, connecting with the audience, this is it. Everything is gonna go better now, trust me"

"I don't believe in coincidences Edge, you know that"

"Take her off your head now. It's over. Let's celebrate tonight, come on"

"Tomorrow has to be better than today. I need to feel this. This is where I live, this is my life. I promise tomorrow will be better" Bono said as Guggi entered the room.

The media only gave amazing words to the band, especially to Bono.

Everyone felt it was the best shows so far. And the second one had that kind of live video projecting of Bono and the fan together, that made a special connection.

It was the first time, since the tour started, that the band felt relief. Their confidence was back

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