Far away, so close

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Sun stayed with him for a week. They didn't made love again, he didn't feel in the mood. She just took him running every morning, made him dinner, played piano for and with him and sleep with him in bed. The only way of getting over it, was facing it and moving on. She just stayed silent when he needed, played music when he needed and took him away when he needed. Bono used to ask her to sing that Spanish song every time he couldn't sleep. Her angel voice was the only thing that could calm him, even though he didn't know what the song said. He didn't want to know either. The mischief of it and what he thought it meant was what made it special.

Eventually, after a week together, Sun had to leave back home.

Bono took her to the airport like she did a few weeks ago, but this time Sun was the one leaving. Bono hugged her tight and finally let her go.

"I'll see you in 3 weeks" He said and kissed her

"I'll see you in 3 weeks then. Call me anytime you need" She said

"I will" he said and then he got close to her and whispered in her ear "Don't forget about the box" Bono said and then looked at her.

"I won't" she said biting her lip and then got close to him whispering in his ear and said "I have the camera now, bring your sexy eyes naked. No glasses" she said and winked

"I don't know If I can wait 3 weeks after hearing that" he said and both laughed

"Come here" she said and hugged him one more time. She grabbed his face and looked at him for some time. "Jesus you're beautiful" and kissed his eyes as she closed them with her fingers.

"I'll miss you" he said kissing her cheeks "Thanks for the surprise. I needed it" he said softly as she just smiled.

They hugged for one last time very tight like didn't wanting to let each other go. After some time they let themselves go.

She headed to her plane and Bono back home. As Bono went back to his car, he was already thinking three weeks from now.

"Shit...I'm so into her" he said out loud to himself and laughed about it.

Bono focused on work to forget and get over his mate's death. Just like Sun told him, to focus on work, going out with friends and calling her to talk about anything. This time, his job took a lot of energy and creativity. It was a different one, something he nor the band ever did before. The project was about making an album that would be a soundtrack for a movie, except there was no movie. It was a crazy idea, but at the same time, it gave them a lot of creativity, improvisation and new sounds to work on. The Proyect was called "Passengers". It was not called U2, since there was one more involved, Brian Eno.

Bono was going through a new experience and needed some motivation to write a song. He was thinking a lot about Sun and decided to focus on her. And then about her room in Buenos Aires were they had great sex, so he decided to write a song about it. A soft voice, an ambient sound that make you travel through the story with very sexy and deep lyrics. He worked on it for 3 weeks and it was almost ready. It was called "Your blue room" and the guys loved how it sounded, so much that Adam wanted to sing the last verse.

Sun was counting the days like a prisoner to see him again. They didn't talk every day, since that was too much for both, but they did around 4 times a week.

They could talk about everything and anything at the same time. About their jobs, how they missed each other, Guggi and Eli, the band and well... about some specific things as well.

"What are you wearing today?" He asked sexily

"Don't ask me that, please. You're far away and you ask me that question and with that voice. Do you wanna kill me?" She almost sounded like begging him to stop, even though she didn't want to.

"I'm wearing tight black leather pants. Those you saw last time and asked how would fit them on me"

"Hmm. I see you wanna play, don't you?" She asked

"I always wanna play. I enjoy making you get nervous" He said laughing a bit

"I'm in my office. Wearing a black skirt and a white shirt. Can you hear that? It's the sound of mi shirt being unbuttoned. Now you can see a bit of my boobs. Not all, just a sexy spoiler, so your mind can imagine the rest. Also, I'm wearing high heels and not wearing any panties" She ended and heard nothing but a silence on the other side

"Holy fuck. I'm dead" He said after some seconds

"I warned you... But you still wanted to play" she said and bit her lips while smiling

"I see you're getting good at it" he said and sigh

"I've learnt from the best I guess" Sun said as Bono laugh a bit

"You know, now you can see how my bulge is getting bigger. Since this pants are so tight. I wish you would be touching me right now. And I would love to be touching you. Specially that you're not wearing any panties today"

"And is your ass as tight as your front?" She asked following his game

"I think it is. But maybe next time you can check" he said with a naughty voice

"Ok. I just wish next time you bring those on, so I can check" She said sexily

"Oh, I will" he said with desire on his voice

"I'm leaving in 3 days. I'm telling you so I can have you alone for the day. Just for me" He said on another conversation

"I'll be waiting for you in the airport. Just tell me when" she sounded exited to see him again

"Friday, 11 pm" He answered

"Ok. I'll be there Mr leather pants" she said laughing

"Don't make me imagine things, please" he said laughing

"Let me enter into your imagination. Whatever it's in there, it's mine to take" She said back

"I see you in the car. Wearing a dark blue coat, that matches my eyes, which you love so much. And I go inside. We kiss, but not that much, cause we're way too hot for each other and making love in the airport's parking lot wouldn't be nice. So we get to your house, you turn off the car. You unbutton your coat and your naked inside. You're wearing high heels and nothing more than that. I get crazy and my eyes just get mad. And well... the rest is in your mind"

"Did you just invented a verse? With rhymes and all?" Sun asked intrigued

"It was not mi intention. It just came out... So you didn't like it, you just think the rhymes were good and that's it"

"No, no, I didn't say that!" She said smiling

"I guess you are much better of a describer than me. As well as imagining things" He said "I still can't take that story out of my mind last time we talk. I can imagine you in your office unbuttoning yourself and all"

"Well, that happens when you have the best teacher in the world" she said and smile

"And he happens to come with black tight leather pants and messy hair. You look at him in the eye, and you're already in the air. You can fell his look and get goosebumps everywhere. His deep voice and smell blows your head away. What can I say? I miss the touch of his hands, the look of his eyes, the sound of his voice, the smell of his head. I miss him, I miss him with despair"

"Tell me that you were reading that, or I am the one that has to learn" He asked totally shocked

"You'll see on Friday at 11. Gotta go babe" She said living him without an answer

"No, no, don't leave me without the answer" he insisted, but all he could hear was the sound of the hanged phone

"Jesus, she's going to kill me one day" he said to himself and smiled

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