Flights and destinations

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Sunny is finally getting some tickets to Europe. Her plan is visiting her best friend Eli in Berlin, Germany and then getting "lost" around Europe. She's getting those tickets as a Christmas gift for herself.

So plan 1 and 2 are already on the way. Also getting a new look and sexy clothes is no a hard one. And the decision of not studying this year is already taken. So there's only one target on the list that is undone...And she's got the feeling something god is coming. After waiting for so long, maybe and finally love is coming this year.

Plans are taken as well as the tickets. The adventure now has a date, and it's her birthday (she didn't picked it, it was pure coincidence, even though she don't believe in fortuities) January 18th. So there she goes, from the hot summer of Buenos Aires, to the cold winter of Europe.

Her friends are happy about her. She's finally giving sometime for herself after 4 years without taking a break.

She didn't planned the trip, something really strange since she's quite obsessive, the only rule is no computer and no mailing in her list. So there's going to be a fully personal and out of the job trip. Even Eli is totally shocked about the changes her friend is doing, but great for her she says!

Sun is ready for the trip, ready for new adventures and opening herself to life.

ZooTV is already finished. Bono is in the airport. He is standing in front of the list of the different flights of the day. He has his luggage with him, but no destination. He feels like a wonderer now. Someone who got used to travel around the world and don't settle in one place. He feels he has no home anymore, just a house in Dublin.

Edge, Adam and Larry told him to spend Christmas with them, but he said he got plans, he told them about a party in Miami with some models and they thought he just wanted to keep having fun on his own, but that was just a lie. He didn't want them to feel pity for him and they had their own families to be with. Bono love the 3 of them and their kids and wives, but he didn't feel in the family spirit, at least not anymore.

So there he was. Just himself and his luggage in the airport. He waited for everyone to take their planes and pretend his plane was the one departing last. Everyone bought that lie and saluted him. After everyone went their ways, he was finally alone. At that time, he closed his eyes, raise his arm and with one finger pointed the big screen where the different flights were shown. He slowly opened his eyes to find that his finger was pointing a city he never visited before; Buenos Aires.

He went to the desk of the air line and bought a ticket. He got recognized but didn't care. He just wanted to get away from there. Maybe a new place, culture and new people will help him feel better or even give him ideas for new music. He bought a departure ticket, but no return. The idea was to get lost into the place and see how it works. If it went wrong he knew his friends and bandmates will always be there to support him.

He picked a window sit. Got comfortable and his mind started dreaming about the future in this unknown place.

It was Christmas day. Sunny always spends this time of the year with her family. They are very close to each other. Her 2 brothers come by with her wives, her mother and grandparents as well. There's a whole lot of food, drink and music. It's summer time the sun is shining and family is gathered together. It's a beautiful day everyone enjoys.

At the same time but in the airport, Bono is arriving to the tango capital. He gets of the plane and puts on a hat so people won't recognize him. He picks his luggage and takes a cab to somewhere, like a real wonderer. Bono decides to stop on a hotel far from the capital, something he never does when he travels with U2.

He stays under the name of Paul Hewson, his real name, which nobody uses anymore. The hotel is in a quiet neighborhood close to the Rio de la Plata and has a stroll ride through the cost which is surrounded by violets jacaranda's. He enters the room, leaves the luggage on the floor and opens the window to find this beautiful view. The different colors of the day fulfill him. The dark blue skies, the strong violet leaves of those fancy trees and the soft blue river are way too different to the grey and rainy Dublin. What he actually was looking for.

Night came by and Bono heard the noises and fireworks of Christmas night. The shouting, music, singing and different smells of food where getting into his room for an invitation to go out. But he has way too tired.

His head was in peace, he felt he might have found a nice place to shake his thoughts off. Bono laid in bed and let himself rest.

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