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Sun was awaking. Yesterday it was a long night. The routine was the same as every day, except she didn't know this day was going to be different.

She wakes up and goes for a run in a path near the river. A really magical place surrounded by colorful trees, the smell of the river and the sound of hundreds of birds. Everything is ready, so she goes for the morning run, as always does.

Bono is waking up. He doesn't remember the last time he slept so much and so peacefully. The clock shows its 8 am in the morning. He opens the curtains to let the sun come into his room, and finds out a beautiful day and again a beautiful view.

Bono's been working on something new this past months. His best mate Guggy, who's a painter, introduced him into the art, so he could find another way of relaxing his head and finding inspiration. So when the decision of getting lost into the world came at the end of ZooTV, he definitely included the panting tools into his luggage.

Now in Buenos Aires, in his room enjoying the view, he had a hunch. Bono fetch in his luggage for those painting stuff and went outside. He felt it was a god day to let his painter side to go out.

He found a place on the coast of the river with some rocks were he could sit and lay his equipment. From those rocks he could see the city on one side and the river on the other. In the middle of those two different views, there was this amazing park with a sidewalk surrounded by those magical violets Jacaranda trees.

He stood there for a few minutes just to enjoy the view and get lost into it. The place was totally empty, there were no people, only himself and a few birds flying around. He thought after a Christmas night that was normal, who would go out at 8 am?

Suddenly he saw someone coming. At first it was just a little person running in the lane. He thought about that person, probably someone like him, who couldn't sleep and decided to go out to get his mind lost into the day. He didn't know anything about that person, but maybe it was a god start for a panting.

As minutes passed by, he could see clearer. It was a girl. She was wearing gym clothes. You could see her long and strong legs. She was smiling, like if she has having a big time, totally enjoying the moment. Bono was surprised. He thought it was an amazing image what he was seeing. A beautiful day, with an amazing landscape formed by the river, the violet trees, the sidewalk and last, but not least, the smiley girl enjoying the run. He grabbed his stuff and started painting the white canvas. His hand was moving so fast like never before. He got the colors precisely and the mood of the day was totally into the painting. It took him almost two hours to discover he never stopped painting, he was totally shocked, he felt those hours where just a few minutes. Bono let himself be totally lost into the painting and the feelings of it. He stood in front of the canvas, now very colorful, and was proud of the work he has just done. It was not just a landscape painting, it was more than that, it captured all the emotions the he was feeling through her smile. It was her painting, not his.

Finally he sat down on the rocks and took a look around. It was almost 10 am now. There were people walking and running on the park, but the girl, that smiley girl was not there. He was hopping to see that girl another day, he didn't know why, but he just had the feeling he needed to see her. Bono grabbed his painting stuff and took them back to his room. He gently put the painting into his luggage like it was a fragile diamond. After that, he sat in his bed and looked through the window. His mind was in peace but still thinking about that girl.

Sunny arrived home from the running session. She felt it was a great one, the day was totally perfect and the salty wind from the river helped her to relax. She got naked and went to the shower. While on it, she thought about a lonely man she saw while running, siting by himself on a rock totally lost into his painting. His hands were running desperately, like he didn't want to lose anything that he had in mind. She was curious about it, what was he painting? Why he was looking so desperately? He looked like a normal guy, but with a touch of mischief.

Sunny went out of the shower, naked, and stood in front of her window. From there she could see all the river cost. Her eyes went straight to the rocks, to see if that mysterious man was still there with his canvas. But he was gone. She was drying her wet hair with a towel still naked and standing in front of the window, staring at those rocks and thinking about that man. She was hopping to see that man another day, she didn't know why, but just had that feeling she needed to see him again. Sun got dressed and headed to work, still thinking about that lonely painter man.

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