Chapter 3: The Encounter

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(Y/n)'s POV

        You turned the lights off in the bookstore, walking out of the door backward to lock it for the afternoon. No one came by today, but you figured as much since it was a beautiful Saturday. You turned on your heel to begin walking again, the rhythmic feeling of your purse bumping against your thigh almost soothing. You looked straight ahead, delighting in how the sun sparkled on the ocean in the distance ahead of you. I really love this town... You rested your arms behind your back, grasping your wrist in one hand. You walked at a leisurely pace, not in any rush at all. You didn't stop for anything to eat since you still had leftover pizza in the fridge.

        When your feet touched the warm beach sand, you smiled happily, breathing in the salty air. The wind whipped around your head casually, causing a few strands of your hair to fly out of place. You walked up to your door, put the key in the lock, and turned it. You then pushed the door open, only to be met with a pair of glowing amber eyes. You gasped, your reflexes kicking in, giving the intruder a right hand to the face. They staggered back, groaning, and you quickly walked in, shutting the door behind you. You were prepared to finish them in the house to not cause a scene, but it wasn't like you had close neighbors anyway. You spread your feet wide, punching them again with full force in their abdomen, earning another groan from them. You smirked, feeling somewhat cocky when that groan turned into a growl. The noise sounded almost animalistic, throwing you off guard, which gave your attacker the chance to grab you by your throat. You gasped, hands flying to their wrist. Your eyes widened at the sight before you. It was a woman or...what appeared to be a woman. She had unruly white hair falling past her waist, orange skin with various burnt-orange stripes running across it, and she was well built, standing at about six feet tall or more. What shocked you the most about her appearance was her eyes. She had beautiful amber eyes—filled with hatred.

        You continued to struggle, clawing at her arm, attempting to free yourself. She let out a deep chuckle, her shoulders bouncing slightly from the act. "Pathetic. You got lucky with those first few punches, but you cannot even begin to compare to me." Her voice was raspy and deep. You felt your face heat up tremendously despite the situation you were in. You looked her straight in the eye, attempting to intimidate her with the strength you had left. You were losing air, but you noticed something you hadn't before.

        "Th-The gem..." She gave you a confused look, loosening her grip on you slightly.

        "What did you say, waste of matter?" You took a deep breath, still gripping onto her wrist.

        "The gem! On your face...I-I found it on the beach the other day..." She suddenly opened her hand, causing you to collapse to the floor. You took deep gulps of air, coughing and straining to regulate your breathing.

        "So you were the one that brought me into this pitiful excuse for a base. Is this where you reside, human?" You nodded, gripping your chest tightly. I could have died... She scoffed, walking over to the window. "This will have to do until I can come up with another plan."

        "W-Wait! What do you mean by that?"

        "I do not wish to find another place to stay until I come up with another plan to destroy those Crystal Gems when there is a place right here." You looked up at her wildly. The Crystal Gems?...

        "I— can't just stay here! This is my home!" The gem turned her head slightly, smiling devilishly. Her teeth were pearly white and perfect, excluding her incredibly sharp canines.

        "And who is going to make me leave, little human?" Your breath caught in your throat at the tone of her voice, and you blushed profusely.

        "I-I...well...!" The gem looked at you expectantly, but you couldn't find anything clever to say. You closed your mouth and slumped on the floor.

        "Spit it out, pipsqueak," she said mockingly, getting in your face. You flushed from embarrassment, crossing your arms and pouting.

        "W-Well if you're going to stay here then you could at least tell me your name." She tapped her gem, standing up.

        "Well, of course, you would like to know...I do not think my name should even concern that little head of yours." You balled your fists, shaking slightly from frustration. You knew you couldn't beat her, and you didn't want to call the Crystal Gems in fear she might kill you, so what more could you do at that moment. You sighed.

        "Whatever. Don't tell me your name. But clean up this mess you made, because I sure as hell ain't doing it." You then stood to your feet, making your way upstairs.

        "Y-You cannot give me orders human!" You ignored her protests as you entered your room, slamming the door and locking it behind you. Not like a wooden door can hold its own against her anyway...

Jasper x Fem! Reader (NOT FINISHED, may continue at a later date)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin