The Bad Sanses in the Room

Start from the beginning

"Ship?" Both Dream and Ink asked. She snirked. "They're gonna become a couple sooner or later. You and they might not see it yet, but it's happening."

"Pfft, yeah right. Blue's friends with everybody! He'd never date anyone!" Ink snorted. Sinead wasn't impressed.
"You'll see."

Ink shook his skull, not believing it at all. Dream rolled his eyelights, and they headed out of the room.

"Abyss and his friends are in the meeting room, by the way." Dream told him. "Along with some.. others."

"... Who?"
"Nightmare.. and his gang."
"Oh. Why?"
"They want to talk."

And with that foreboding sentence, Ink opened the door to the meeting room.

An axe, knife, and bone attack were immediately imbedded in the wood, making Ink jump and Dream screech in fright.

Ink recovered faster, yanking the weapons out as the bone dissolved, fixing the door. He tossed the knife and axe back at their owners.

Horror caught his axe easily, while Killer snatched the knife blade first out of the air. The psychos smiled.

"Try not to destroy my house next time." Ink stated. He wasn't sure why but he wasn't afraid of them anymore.

Nightmare seemed to notice this, lifting a non-existent eyebrow. Error was beside him, enduring a hug from Blueberry. Ink chuckled at the sight, causing Nightmare's tentacles to flick in annoyance at the happiness.

Abyss and his friends were at the opposite end of the room, eyeing the gang warily. They all stood protectively around Abyss. Nightmare kept smiling strangely at the tiny skeleton.

Then it occurred to him.
"Have you guys met before?"

A few angry grumbles from Abyss's group and a few chuckles from Nightmare's gang.

"Oh yes, we know Abyss. He has quite the spirit."

"He was my favorite toy back when we had him." Dust said fondly, but with a hint of madness.
"I had a lot of fun with him, too." Killer added. "How's the leg, buddy?'
He called out to the cold skeleton.
The group bristled, but Abyss responded.
"It healed in two days, Killer."

Killer blinked, looking about as let down as an emotionless insane Sans could be.

Error suddenly spoke up, looking alarmed. "Did you kidnap a Sans to join you guys again?? I told you it wouldn't work!"

Blue's eyelights died as Nightmare scoffed. "You still underestimate my ability to break others, Error."
"Hey, we can try again right?" Horror asked his boss, slyly twisting his axe around.

"Absolutely not!!" Blueberry suddenly burst, marching in front of Nightmare, who gave him a bewildered look.

"I thought I told you! No torturing good people! Only other negative Sanses can join you!! What were you thinking?! Are you trying to get him to join us?! Because that's what you're going to get to happen!!"

Blue frowned at the goopy skeleton, as Dream stood frozen a few feet behind him.

Nightmare glared at Berry, Error tensing up beside him.
Then he muttered something to the small skeleton with a slight grin.
Blueberry looked confused, but lowered his hand.

"... Blue?.. How..?" Dream whispered loudly.
To this the Swap Sans chuckled and winked at Ink.
"I know how to handle them outside a fight, Dream. I'm the Magnificent Blue, after all."

This only left Dream more confused as Ink smiled and shook his skull.
"He's been hanging out with the Bads for a while, actually. They're not all what we thought they were."

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