I sigh and nod, "deal." Before I can stop him, he injects me with the virus. "Now we have a deal," he says. He opens the door of my cell. My instinct tells me to kill him, here and now. But I don't. I can't.

"If I find out you told anyone the truth, I will make sure Abby gets killed, don't test me," he says. I sigh and nod. "I will, but just know I am already thinking about the most painful way to kill you," I tell him. Doctor Martin laughs. "Keep on dreaming, Damon," he says. He shows me the way out and smiles. "See you soon," he says.


I sit in the car with Elena. We are on our way home from Bonnie. I begged Bonnie to search for Damon. I know she has some spells to find him wherever he is. Sadly, Elena came by. She told me I was stupid and my idea was insane.

Everyone thinks Damon just left town by himself, but something seems off. Why didn't he tell anyone? He just left. Was he this upset with me that he didn't even want to tell me? Does he hate me that much?

I guess I just have to live with this. I have to live with the fact that Damon left town and there is nothing I can do about it. Unless...

If he left because he wanted to give me space, there is only one way to get him back. I need to tell him I am ready to date him again. I have to tell him I can't live without him and I am over my trauma.

But... am I? I mean, I am worrying about Damon for a few days now. But not a single moment these days did I think about my trauma or about what happened to me. The only thing I can think about is Damon. I want him back and I want to hold him and kiss him. If I still feel scared or I feel a small hint of my trauma, I will deal with that. But I want to deal with that with Damon.

I grab my phone out of my pocket. I need to tell Damon how I feel. He needs to know I need him back home.

"What are you doing?" Elena asks. "I am gonna call Damon. I am over my trauma and I need him here with me," I tell her. "Over your trauma? No, you are not!" Elena says, "do I need to remind you that you sneaked out to the place you were held, just a few days ago?" I sigh, "that was part of the process."

Elena laughs, "maybe it was, but that means you are not done." I sigh annoyed, "back then it wasn't, but now it is. I am over my trauma and I am ready to see Damon." Elena shakes her head, "I don't think so."

"You just say so because it's Damon," I tell her, "if it would be Luke, you would tell me to go back to him a long time ago." Elena stays quiet. "You don't have to tell me I am right, I already know I am," I tell her. Elena rolls her eyes, "you are not right."

"Come on, Elena! You know I am! You hate Damon and you hate even more that I don't hate him. You didn't want us to be together from the start. Now you are just trying to keep us apart," I tell her, "I am not telling you to stay away from Stefan either, am I?"

"First of all, you have nothing to say in my relationship with Stefan," she says. "You have nothing to say in my relationship with Damon either, but here you are!" I tell her. "Abby, he is way too old for you! And I don't mean the age he actually has. He is wrong and he hurts everyone around him," she says. "He never hurt me," I tell her. "Yes he did, he threatened you once. You were scared of him, remember?" She asks.

"That was a long time ago," I tell her. "Still, I didn't forget it!" She says. "So just because of that one time, I am not allowed to be with him?" I ask her. Elena sighs, "not just because of that one thing. Damon did a lot of bad stuff even before you came back to town."

"Well, that is not the Damon he is today. He is a different person now, you can't deny that," I tell her. "Fine, I can't. But that doesn't mean he is the perfect boyfriend now," she says. "Who is? Nobody is perfect, not even Stefan! Just trust me on this," I say. Elena sighs, "I do trust you. It's him I don't trust."

"I do trust him," I tell her, "and I love him." Elena stays quiet. She hates it, I get it. But why can't she just support me?

"Can't you just give him a chance?" I ask her. "No, I gave him a lot of chances. I am done with that now," she says, "I don't want you to be with him." I sigh, "well, I do." Elena shakes her head, "too bad. It's not happening. Not ever." My jaw almost hits the floor. "Are you serious?" I ask. "Deadly serious. End of decision," she says.

I stare out of the window. I feel tears burning in my eyes, but I hold them in. I love Elena, I really do, but this is low. How can she say this? How can my own sister not see how happy I am with Damon? Why can't she just give him a chance? That is all I am asking for! Just because she has a mental picture of Damon who is some kind of devil, she doesn't want to think differently. She won't even give us a chance to show her who Damon really is...

I know I have been tortured a few weeks ago, but the feeling I feel right now... the pain, the heartbreak and the fact that I am not allowed to be happy again – at least, that is what it sounds like – hurts a hell of a lot more then anything I have ever felt that entire month. Because this comes from my own sister...

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