The Voice of the Anti-Void Flame

Start from the beginning

Blue and Dream had to frantically explain that you shouldn't eat the bowl, but Error clearly knew this already and ate it anyway.
Blueberry sighed, rubbing his face with one hand. Dream tried to take the rest of the bowl away, but Error smacked the hand away and continued munching on the dish.

<How can he eat that?!! Like, I get it. Spite. But how?!?!> Sinead questioned, recovering faster as she was just in Ink's mind. But Ink was still lying there, catching his breath.
No idea but it's hilarious.
<That much is true. I don't get why we're the only ones who find this funny..>
I dunno. Who cares?

He remembered the conversation they were originally having. Ink sat up. "Hey, about that Anti-Void fire."

Error glanced at Ink, crunching the last of the bowl. Ink grinned mischievously. "Does it taste good?"
"You're so weird, Error."
"You too, Squid."
"I deserved​ that."

Blue glanced between them, and added "He does this. I've lost many plates and napkins to Error's impossible diet."

Ink blew out fire from his 'nose'. "That's why you were always short on them?? Hahaha!!"

Error stood, raising a non-existent eyebrow. "After a while they all just dissolve when I ate them."

Ink grinned evilly. "Ink, don't." Blue pleaded. He pulled out Broomie and waved the brush end suggestively.

Error's sockets widened, and he froze.
He didn't even glitch.

"Uhh. Did I break him?"
The darker skeleton facepalmed. "Damnit, I was eating paint."

Ink snorted. "Yep. Gosh, I wish I could have been there!" Error rolled his eyelights. "Screw you, Ink."

Ink chuckled, and got to his feet. He walked over and helped Dream up. "Since everyone's standing, why don't we go?"

"I need a new bowl." Dream stated.
"Okay, whatever." He created a copy with a quick flourish and handed it over.

"Thank you, I will be right back." Dream snatched the other dishes and ran to the kitchen, coming right back after a moment. "Ready!"

Error glanced between everyone with a bit of fear, then blinked hard. "Okay, here goes nothing. Try to get it outta my Anti-Void."

He opened a glitchy portal to the endless white expanse. Ink instantly felt the pressure on the Soul and blanked. He lept through mindlessly.

He landed with an echoing thud and didn't hesitate to start moving. /Oh, it's him! Respect! Everyone, quiet down! It's the Creator!/
<Ink.. have you ever heard the voices before?>
No. I haven't even seen the Anti-Void, aside from through Error's portals.
<I want to hurt them, even if not all of them are bad. They either hurt Error or did nothing.>
<You're quiet.>
Need it.
<Ink. Snap out of it.>
I need it.
<Okay, but stop falling to the instinct!>
I see it, I need it, I have to have it.
<For the love of God, you dumbass!>

It was right there, Ink was only a foot away. Suddenly, he was yanked back by a net of strings.

"No! Let me- guh- no!"

He blinked, realizing what had happened.
"Oh. Sorry, that happens."
"You were about to walk into fire!" Blue cried.
"Yeah, I know."
"Have you forgotten what happened last time?!??"
"Not at all. Still need to touch it, though."
"What?!?! No!" That one​ was Dream.
"You tryna test your endurance or something?" Error asked.

Ink sighed. "Trust me this time, okay guys?"
Glares from everyone.
"I'm serious about this."

Firefang erupted from his spot in Ink's scarf, landing and walking to the flames. Blue fidgeted in place. Error was blinking, glitching like he heard something he hated. Dream rubbed his hands fretfully.

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