Chapter 33

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  "Ahhhhhhhhh no no I can't do this ahhhhhhhhh" we arrive at the hospital and they rush us through to the labour ward where Cleo's midwife was there "I can't do this, it hurts so much", "ok Cleo, listen to me ok, your going to be fine you need to take deep breaths and breath through these contractions ok, I'm going to get some gloves and get a gown for you to change into and we're see how far dilated you are", "ahhhhhhhh" i Pant "I don't know what any of that means!", I look up to see Ryan starting down at me looking very worried "where is Lucy?" I asked "I've spoke to her she's on her way she won't be long", the midwife comes back in the room, "ok let's first get you into this gown I stand up and my waters break they cause a massive puddle "what's that?", "it's ok your waters have broke that's a good thing", "ooh oooh ok", "excuse me sir? Can I ask who you are?", do you want this gentleman in the room with you?" She asks me "Ryan, he is the babies dad", she looks at me with a shocked expression on her face after all she knows my whole life story!. "Ok, so do you want him in the room?", "yes, yes, I don't wanna be on my own, omg not again I'm gonna die ahhhhhhhhhhh", "Breath deep breaths, ok now your changed you can lay back down on the bed Cleo", I do as she tells me too "now I'm just going to check how dilated you are ok this may be a little uncomfortable" she lays the bed back slightly and places a thin blanket over me "can you bring your knees up a little?", I do as I'm told "ok ready?", "yes", she places some jelly on her fingers then puts them in my vagaina "ahhhhhhh, that really hurts" I scream out after a few more seconds she removed them "Cleo, your doing amazing your 8cm Dilated not long now couple hours max and your baby will be here", "couple of hours?? I can't do this for much longer!!", another one is coming "ahhhhhhhhhh", the midwife comes back with some gas and air "this may help you breath in through your mouth and out through your nose ok, your too far dilated to have an epidural". I grab it off her and start sucking on it! I start to feel a little spaced out and a bit more calmer.
All of a sudden Lucy bursts through the doors "OMG Cleo I'm so sorry it's took me so long! Are you ok? How are you doing?" I feel to spaced out to answer my mouth is so dry. "She's doing ok, midwife said should be within the next couple of hours.
For the next three hours the contactations come and go I'm in and out of conscious through the gas and air / tiredness and pain! A big contraction comes "ahhhhhhhhhhh" I scream this one feels different and I snap out of being tired "i need to push, I've got to push now", the midwife comes over and checks.
"Ok Cleo, your fully dilated on your next contraction I want you to push ok?", "ok, ok it coming", I push as hard as I can I just want this too be over, and another, and another, and another "ok Cleo in the next push your babies head will be born when I tell you to pang I need you to pant ok?", I nod my head totally exhausted to even answer. Another contraction I push with all the strength I have left in me and oh wow the pain the burning sticking most uncomfortable pain of the baby's head being born "and pant Cleo, keep panting ok one more big push and she will be out ok", omg the relief I grab onto both Ryan's and Lucy's hand and give it my all on the last contraction pushing until I'm red in the face. And like that all of a sudden the pain is gone!
I hear crying "omg is she ok?", I ask. The midwife places her on my chest "congratulations it's a girl and what a beauty she is", I look down and put my hand on her back. I look up to Lucy and Ryan with tears in my eyes "I can't believe it I did it", Ryan comes over and kisses me on my head "you did amazing, and just look how beautiful our baby daughter is", "Cleo, you did amazing, and have certainty put me off having kids!" She giggles and I smile up at her "I don't think il be having anymore" I say back to her.
"Ok Cleo,we're just gonna clean this little one up and weigh, dress and give her vitamin k injection ok", I hand her over to the midwife and I can't help but watch Ryan's face as they wheel her off to be weighed he looks so happy so proud he could burst. I reach out for his hand "I'm keeping her", he looks deep into my eyes and both of us let the tears flow.
The midwife hands us back our daughter "she's a fantastic weight 8Lb 3oz have you a name for her?", I look up at Ryan and he looks at me "what was your mums name Ryan?", "Dawn, whys that?", "Her name is Lilly-Dawn after mine and Ryan's mum". "Ah what a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl" the midwife replied. "I love that name!" Ryan says once again kissing me on my head and bending down to Lilly-Dawn he kisses her on the head "welcome to the world Lilly-Dawn" he says.
Lucy comes back into the room bringing us all a well deserved tea each "would you like to hold Lilly-Dawn?" I ask Lucy. She smiles at me "I'd love to hold Lilly-dawn" she wraps her arms around her "so beautiful congratulations both of you".

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