Chapter 25

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2 months later - Cleo's POV
"I've decided I don't want to press charges" I just want too live my life without that hanging over me, "I'm sure they will never commit this sort of offence before" I say to the Judge. "I hear that your pregnant and keeping the baby?", "yes that's correct, I don't know if I'm keeping the baby as of yet or putting him/her up for adoption". "Ok, well there is no more that we can do to change your mind, I just hope your correct and they don't commit this offence again".
I leave the court room wondering whether I've done the right thing or not. I head back to Lucy's with her and she puts the kettle on "you have been quiet since we have got in?" I say to her, she turns and looks at me "I just think... you should have let this go to court Cleo, your going to always be looking over your shoulder!", "no I won't be Lucy, I think I've done the right thing, they were just desperate people, who won't be doing anything like that again", "well you can't say 100% can you, but it's done now so no point keep talking about it", "yes let's just leave it now and try to move on".
Lucy comes with me to my hospital appointment the next day for my 20 week scan. I lay on the couch why the lady puts some jelly on my belly "ok I'm just going to do the measurements and listen to the heartbeat then  show you ok?", I nod my head at her and turn to look at Lucy who smiles at me. After about 5 minutes the lady turns the screen around to show us and points out the baby's arms, legs, head and body "would you like to hear the heartbeat?", "yes please" I reply "boom, boom, boom, boom" I hear. "Everything is completely how it should be all healthy, would you like to know the babies sex?", I look over to Lucy "it's up too you" she says, "errrm... yes ok I'd like to know", the lady smiles at me and again goes back to the screen after about 5 minutes she says "congratulations it's a girl", "A girl?" I smile looking at the lady then back to Lucy. The lady then gives me a cloth to wipe the jelly off and prints out a couple of pictures for me too keep. "So your due date is the 9th of July and your next be seen by your midwife at the clinic". I thank the lady and we leave the hospital.
Sitting in the car i stare at the pictures. "You ok?" Lucy asks "yes, I'm good", "what you thinking about?", I don't say nothing for some time. "It's a little girl, she won't look so much like him!". Lucy drives us back to the house and puts the kettle on. "You want to keep her don't you?", "I don't know Lucy, I really don't know what to do I need more time", "Well you have 4 months that's still along time to decide".

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