Chapter 22

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Ryan's POV
After being questioned by the police not once but three times going over and over everything and spending 24 hours in their the police officer comes back In "OK Mr o'Callaghan you are free to go for the time being on bail, but you must attend the court if you fail to attend you will be breaching your bail and you will be immediately arrested do you understand?", "yes officer I understand", "where is Cleo?", "Sir, if I were you I'd stay way clear from that one, you don't want to be getting yourself arrested again now do you?", "where is my wife?", "your wife is still in hospital, she's doing ok they are thinking of discharging her tomorrow, she will then be arrested and questioned here at the station, you must not have any contact with her until after she's been questioned, is that understood?", "yes I understand", "ok follow me sir we're just get you to sign some papers then your free to go for the time being". I read and sign all the papers adding my contact details and an address I'd be staying at I didn't know what to put so I wrote my home address down I then decided that's the only place I could go is back home.
I leave the station and get back into my car and drive the long 50 miles home only thinking about Cleo and what she's doing right now!.

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