Chapter 30

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Cleo's pov
I wake up again early this time not because I couldn't get too sleep but because I had awful heartburn and braxton hicks the baby was moving non stop and I just couldn't get comfortable, I go into the bathroom and look In the mirror wow I look like shit!, having a wee that just seemed to keep going and going I hear Lucy knock on the door "you alright in their?", "yes, sorry two secs and il be done" I call back. Walking out the bathroom Lucy looks  at me "girl you alright?, you look like you ain't slept in a month!", I roll my eyes at her "I'm fine just had a bad night with heartburn, braxton hicks and this little one non stop moving", I rub my belly. "Ah, ok as long as that's all it was, you sure your not having second thoughts about meeting Ryan today?", "nope, I haven't all will be fine, now you better get a move on otherwise your gonna be late for work yet again!", Lucy goes in the bathroom and I head downstairs for a coffee!.

Lucy rushes down the stairs 15 minutes later "Right I've gotta go, don't forget to phone me if you need me ok?", "yes, now go before your late!", Lucy runs over to me and gives me a big hug, "what's that for?", "I'm worried about you ok, remember to call me if you need me please?", "yes I will don't worry now go!!!". Lucy leaves for work and I finish my coffee.

I look at my phone 11.00am, suppose I better start getting ready. I decide to go for leggings and a blouse and put some concealer to cover my bags and a little mascara, I look back in the mirror and decide that will do, heading back into my room I look in the full length mirror, I stare at myself "wow, I am huge" rubbing my stomach. Right let's go little one! I grab my bag, check my phone and head out of the door.

I catch the bus into town a lovely lady gives up her seat for me and I thank her, "how long have you got left?" She asks "around 3 weeks" I reply back, "do you know what your having?", "yes, a girl", "ah... how lovely is she going to be your first child?", "yes, and probably my last after the night I had last night", the lady smiles at me. "Well this is my stop, good luck for your birth!" She says. I thank her and watch her get off the bus "good luck!" What's that suppose to mean, I haven't really thought about the labour to be honest I push it to the back of my head and press the bell for the next stop.

I get off the bus and waddle to Smokey's a man opens the door for me and I thank him I look around the restaurant and spot Ryan sitting at a table near the window and walk over to him, when he spots me he stands welcoming me with a pink bunch of flowers and a gift bag "thank you for agreeing to have lunch with me Cleo", I give him a nod and a slight smile and sit down. "Go on open the present", he asks "ok", I take the present out of the gift bag and un wrap it to see he's brought a pink teddy! "It's for our daughter, do you think she will like it? Is it ok?".
  "Look Ryan, that's really nice of you but there is something you need to know", He looks deep into my eyes, "well the thing is.... I'm not sure if I'm keeping her, I was thinking of putting her up for adoption, I don't know if I'm ready for a child yet, and I've no job and no home", Ryan grabs my hands gently I look at him in the eyes to see tears rolling down his cheeks, "Cleo, please don't do that, I will help you in any way financially, and il be hands on when ever I'm needed please I want you to think about this before making any harsh decisions!". The waitress comes over to our table "sorry guys for the delay can I get you some drinks?", "il have a tea please", "yes me too please", "sure, coming right up, il leave you some menus" and she walks off.
"So how have you been Cleo?", He asks. "I've been ok, I had a awful night sleep last night", "Was it the baby?" He asks. "Well i has heartburn and braxton hicks then she wouldn't stop wiggling about", he smiles at me "what are braxton hicks?", I look up at him surprised his interested "well, they are like little contractions, that are very uncomfortable", "oh right ok so when are you due to have the baby?", "July 9th", "not too long too go then", I shake my head at him "no". Then my phone rings I check who's calling and see it's Lucy. "Sorry I've gotta take this", I answer the phone "Hey, just checking everything is alright?", "yes everything is fine", "ok, I've gotta get back to work but ring me if you need to ok", "will do" I reply and hang up.
"That your friend checking up on you?", I laugh slightly "yes she's been non stop worrying about me meeting you", with that he just nods his head and looks out of the window shortly after the waitress comes over and hands us our teas "there we are, can I get you guys any food?", "il gave the chicken salad please", I look at Ryan he's not paying any attention "Ryan" I call him "what you having to eat?", "ermmm... I'm good thanks", "no probs" the waitress says and walks off.
"You not hungry?" I say to him he shakes his head at me "Look Cleo, I'm really sorry about everything that happened to you, if I could go back in time I would never ever have done what I did, everyday I think about you and what you went through, you see I'm a different person now I'm not with that woman, and it just sickens me everyday", he once again starts to cry. I move around to his side and put my arm around his shoulder "Hey, hey, Ryan it's ok I've forgiven you for what you did, I know deep down it wasn't what you wanted it was more her", He looks up and me and hugs me thanking me for my forgiveness. The waitress comes back over with my salad "everything alright here?", she asks "yes, everything is fine" I reply. She hands me my salad and walks off.
  I eat my salad and we chat some more about Ryan's work that he seems to be enjoying about where his living and surprised it's not far from me. I look at the time 2.00pm. "Well I suppose i better get home now", I say to him "okay, can we do this again?, perhaps next week?", "yeah sure" I say to him. "Well you have my number now from when I messaged you, we're sort a day next week out yeah?".
We leave Smokey's, he pays and carries my gift and flowers out the restaurant and hands them to me I thank him for them and he embraces me in a hug "thank you, thank you for meeting me and thank you for forgiving me", I hug him back and we say our goodbyes.

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