Chapter 20

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"Pregnant, your pregnant OMFG are you being serious Cleo, please tell me your joking!!", "of course I'm NOT joking Lucy this isn't something to joke about I'm being serious and I haven't got a clue what I'm gonna do!", "what do you mean??, you can't seriously even think about keeping this baby Cleo the man raped you, you didn't ask or want this", "Lucy I have a life growing inside of me, a little human I don't know what I want to do or what the right thing to do is yet i need time to think!", "your crazy if you decide to keep this baby Cleo, the court won't take you seriously! What woman would want to keep a mans child who was conceived by rape!". "Can I take a shower and go have a lay down?, my head is banging I've got so much to sort out I'm homeless, jobless and pregnant!", "yes I think that's exactly what you need Cleo a hot bath and some rest, your feel a lot better and maybe it will help you think more clearly as at the moment your sounding slightly like a mad woman!".
I head upstairs and run myself a hot bath, borrow a pair of Lucy's pj's and climb into a bed in her spare room I lay their awake for ages just thinking about everything that's Happened, wondering what's happening with Jessie and Ryan right now, and think about what the fuck I'm gonna do!. Lucy is right I never asked for this too happen, do I really want a baby at 19! No father in the picture and he/she will always remind me of how he/she was conceived! But on the other hand I think of the baby he/she is growing in my stomach a little human oh I just don't know what to do I need to book a doctors appointment and speak through everything with someone. I drift off and fall into a deep deep sleep.
"Cleo, Cleo", I stir feeling someone shaking my shoulder I shoot up jumping out of the bed for a moment forgetting where I am "Cleo it's ok your with me remember", I hear Lucy say. "You have been asleep for hours, I didn't really want to wake you, but had no choice!, the police called and they want you to go can to the station tomorrow to go through your statement, would you like me to come with you?", I still feel half asleep, "Erm yes sure, ok, thanks". "No probs, I'm just gonna stick us some dinner in ok?", "ok il come down soon". Lucy leaves the room, go through my statement  I wonder why I've gotta go all through it again!.

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