Chapter 17

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Cleo's PoV
I answer and tell the truth about everything that has Happened in the last 3 months from the day I was kidnapped until what happened today. Both of the police officers were shocked I explained that it wasn't really Ryan's fault and that he just did everything his wife told him to I explained to them how evil Jessie was and that she would go to any lengths to have her own child hence why I was reporting it to them as I never would want this happening to another girl.
"Cleo, what Ryan has done to you is very wrong he should have never kidnapped you, he rapped you when he could have said no, we have to arrest him for this we have no other options!, As for Jessie we have sent police officers to the address she may have run, she may not still be alive but we will keep you updated with that once we know!, we need you to see a specialist to make sure you have not been given any nasty stds I nod my head to agree. "Would you like us to contact your friend Lucy?, she has been extremely worried about you since the day you went missing and is always popping into the station to see if their has been any updates", "yes please, would you be able to tell her just the basic details of what's happened just so that she doesn't come in asking 100 questions".

Ryan's POV
I've never felt so nervous in all my life after leaving Cleo the police officer took all my details and locked me in a cell I'd been in their about 2 hours when the two police officers that spoke to Cleo came to speak to me "Ryan were gonna take you through to interview you now to question you about the allegations of kidnap and rape that's been made against you. I nod my head at them and follow them through to the room I answered all questions that they asked me they honestly knew more about me than what I knew about myself after the interview! I asked when I could see Cleo and they wouldn't answer me " Ryan, do you realise that what you and your wife have done to Cleo is very serious? Not only have you kidnapped someone you have also rapped them, held them hostage and sexual assaulted them, Miss Wilson has been sent for tests I very much doubt she will want anything more to do with you! As for your wife she is currently in hospital being treated for a head injury which she is expected to make a full recovery a police officer is their at the hospital with her once she is classified as fit to leave she will be arrested and brought in to be questioned!".
Oh what have I done not only have I Fucked things up with my wife, but also Cleo! I have no one and nothing I may aswell go to prison.
After questioning me they take me back to the cell and asked if there was anyone I wished to phone! "No I don't have anyone!".

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