Chapter 8

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Cleo's Pov
I lay their on the bed thinking about everything that has happened I don't even know what day it is anymore I don't know how long I slept for both time Jessie drugged me I feel like I've been here months but know it's only days I wonder if Lucy is out their looking for me my boss would have to replace me soon if I'm not back all I can do now is prey someone finds me how they ever will I don't know I mean say if I can't have kids will I be stuck here for ever! What will they do to me then!
I hear the door handle turn and pull the covers up over me they forgot to leave me clothes to change into so I'm sat here naked even though they have already seen everything I still feel awkward and vunuarable. Ryan walks in carrying a tray with some soup and bread "hey how you feeling, I brought you up some lunch eat up and il take you back up to your room", "not hungry" I say! "Cmon Cleo you have to eat if you don't Jessie will just sedate you again", "I'd rather be sedated that way I can sleep, il probably never sleep again after what you have done too me!" Ryan goes to put his arm around me "no don't you touch me", "cmon Cleo I think things will be better once you accept what we want from you, I do like you, and I wouldn't want us to fall out". "Jessie bursts into the room "you do like her do you?" She screams at him "your not meant to like her your meant to fuck her so that we get what we have always wanted!", "Jessie calm down will you this girl has been through a lot over the last few girls aint I even aloud to be nice to the girl!". She storms out and slams the door " how does someone like you fall for someone like her?" I say to Ryan! "Don't you slag her off she's my wife who has only ever wanted us to have a child she's not a monster you know!", "she is Ryan! Do you seriously think this is normal, do you think this is the right way to go about having a child together? Your both crazy". "Listen Cleo the only way things are gonna get better and for you not to have to be chained and confined to a bedroom is when you just accept it", "I won't always be chained to the bed?", "no once we trust you not to do anything stupid like try to run away we will let you clean and cook or what ever inside the house, for how ever long you are here we want you to look at us as your family!" I start to laugh and cry at the same time "Ryan I'm not gonna stay here you can't do this too me, soon I'm going to be found and when I am you are gonna be in big big trouble". "Hold out your hands", I do as I'm told he cable ties them together and pulls away the covers I lay their naked on the blood stained sheets and he looks down and stares at me, "how do you feel down there?", "sore!" "Do you want me to get Jessie to have a look make sure your ok", "no I do not! Il be fine I want to go to sleep!"Ryan places a blindfold over my head and leads me up some stairs into my room and removes the blindfold "I've left you some clothes in the bathroom" he walks out of the room and locks the door behind him I go into the bathroom and put the nightie and underwear on brush my teeth and get into bed I lay their wide away for ages until tiredness over comes me and I drift into a deep sleep.

Hey guys,
What you thinking about the story so far? Im thinking and have come up with 3 ways that this is gonna go I'm not sure which yet.... read on to find out and don't forget to comment 👍🏻

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