Chapter 16

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After driving for around half hour Ryan asks "what's going to happen between us, and everything that's happened?", I decide to pull over as I can't concentrate driving whilst talking. "Ryan I need to go to the police to talk and explain to them where I've been for how ever long ago it was I don't even know, Jessie needs to be reported!", "no you can't do that Cleo!, they will arrest me", "I really don't care what happens Ryan all I know is that I don't ever wanna put another girls life at risk of Jessie having someone kidnap them!". Ryan goes quiet "you have to just be honest with the police Ryan, Hopefully Jessie will get arrested!", "so there won't be no us then as in me and you?", "look Ryan, I like you as a person but not in that kind of way it was your choice to leave Jessie you could have stayed but you said you didn't want too". "I understand why Cleo with everything that's happened between us but I was really starting to get strong feelings for you, I just wanted you to know that ok". "Well thanks for letting me know who knows maybe one day but at the moment I don't want to be in a relationship".
I start the engine and carry on driving I see the sign for Canary Wharf 15 miles oh the relief. "How long ago was it that I was kidnapped? I've lost track of time", "just over 3 months ago" Ryan replies back to me, Wow 3 months I doubt my job will still be available! The thought of having to tell Lucy all about what's happened to me feels me with dread going through it all with the police, My apartment would have been cleared and re rented out I'm homeless, Jobless and have about £3,000 in my savings the next few months are gonna be hard!.
  I take the turning  and drive straight to the police station pulling up in the car park I cut the engine and turn to Ryan who hasn't said a word since I pulled over "right shall we get this sorted? We have no choice Ryan", he nods his head and steps out of the car we walk into the police station together. I walk up to the desk to be greeted by a female officer "how can I help?", My name is Cleo Wilson and I believe I'm a missing person from around 3 months ago", the police officer checks her system and replied back "take a seat someone will be down to see you shortly", we sit down and I look up at Ryan who's looking extremely nervous "it's gonna be ok" I say to him "your gonna be ok" he turns the other way not to look at my face. A few minutes later two police officers a lady and a man come out "Miss Wilson" they call out, "yes", "would you like to follow us through to somewhere we can speak in private?", I nod my head at them and before entering the room they ask "who's the gentleman you are with", I have no choice other than to tell the truth, "This is Ryan, him and his wife kidnapped me!", They both look at me shocked the male police officer then asks us to wait in the room for a couple minutes the female officer doesn't leave when he comes back he has two more officers with him "If you would come with me please sir, we are arresting you on the count of kidnap of miss Cleo Wilson", Ryan looks up at me and gives me a worried look I nod my head to him as they take him away to another room.

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