Chapter 2

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I wake but my eyes feel so heavy like I've slept way to long I go to turn my body to look at my clock but I can't move my arms are tied and my body feels like a dead weight. Where am I? I'm not in my room, I think back as to what happened last night and remember going to bed and leaving Sean on the sofa then my eyes shot open and I started to panic remembering the blond lady in my room and her injecting me. What is happening here? I really start to panic and look around me I'm in a large room, in a large bed with nothing in it other than a chest of drawers and an en suite panic sets in and I start to scream out "help, someone help me please", I hear a key in the door the handle turns and in walks a blonde lady carrying a tray with some food on. I stay quiet "nice to see your awake, how are you feeling Cleo?", how does she know my name? "Where am I and what have you done to me?", "all will be reviled later on sweet girl, now are you going to be good if I untie you so that you can eat or do you want me to feed you?", "I want to go home now please I don't want to be here, you can't just break into peoples houses drug them and kidnap them", the lady started laughing she then started to untie me "listen you are safe here ok I'm not going to hurt you that's all you need to know for now", I went to sit up but my body still felt like a dead weight the lady places the tray on my lap and I stare down to two pieces of toast with jam and a apple, I look up to the lady with tears in my eyes "please I want to go home my friend will be looking for me", the lady then walks out of the door locking it behind her. I stare around the room once again I place the tray at the side of me and attempt to get out of the bed slowly I manage to swing my legs round and slowly I manage to get up I look down at myself and notice I'm in the same nightie I had on last night which I was relieved to see I take small steps over to the curtains and open them slightly daylight pours in I squint all that surrounds the property is fields and a barn oh my where the hell am I?, tears well up in my eyes again and I start to think about Sean, did he not hear someone break into my apartment last night, why didn't he stop her, did she drug him too! I slowly walk over to the end suite and use the toilet i wash my hands and face looking in the mirror I've gotta get out of this place god knows where I am but I can't stay here with that crazy drug injecting woman. I hear a knock on the door and once again the key unlocking it I head back over to the bed and look up to see Sean. "OMG Sean it's you I go over and cuddle him crying, did she drug you aswell? Do you know where we are? We need to come up with a plan and escape!" I look up into his eyes to see his sad face "what's happened are you ok?", "come sit down on the bed Cleo". I feel panicky something is not right here what is going on he sits there and stares into my eyes my eyes well up and I put my head down his holding my hands and all of a sudden something catches my eye that I didn't notice yesterday I look up "Your ring, your wearing a ring did you have that on yesterday? Are you a married man?", He looks back at me "I'm sorry Cleo you was just too good to let go!", "what do you mean let go?", "Jess will be up to bring you some lunch later on", and with that he walks out of the room and locks the door behind him. Jess who is Jess is she the blond lady, does he know her OMG is she his wife!! All of a sudden things in my brain come together why, why have they done this too me panic strikes again I break down crying and start screaming and banging on the door "let me go, you can't do this to me, let me go right now!", no one comes back and I slump myself in front of the door with my head in my hands I cried until I feel asleep.

Hey guys let me all know what your thinking so far, this is the first story I've ever wrote so any tips or advice please feel free to message me... thanks for reading I'm hoping to get couple chapters wrote a day x

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