Chapter 3

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I wake to hear the key turning on the bedroom door and run over to the bed and I pretend to be asleep my heart is pumping in my chest. "Cleo, here is some dinner for you I didn't bring you lunch up as I took it you fell asleep after you stopped screaming", I roll over and sit up and stare at the woman "look I don't know who's idea this was yours or his but this needs to end now just let me go now and I won't say a word to anyone!", "I can't do that Cleo I'm sorry", she sits at the end of the bed and tells me to eat "I'm not hungry I don't want to eat I just want to go back home back to my apartment I have work on Monday and people will report me missing then once they find me your both end up in trouble", she smiles at me and stroke the side of my face I pull away and say "no don't touch me!", she walks over to the chest of drawers and takes out some rope "now are you going to be a good girl or do you need to be injected again?" My eyes went wide and I shook my head she ties both my wrists and my ankles to the bed then looks at me "you need to eat as we need you strong", what the hell is that meant to mean!! She walks back over to me and starts feeding me the soup "I said I'm not hungry leave me alone now please!", "oh Cleo Ryan said you was well behaved, this is proving not true to me, I'm going to have to stop being nice to you if you don't wish to accept my kindness!" "Ryan who is Ryan?", "oh sorry you know him as Sean don't you" she starts laughing "Ryan or Sean shall I say is my husband we have been together for a very long time but he hasn't been able to give me the one thing I've always wanted you see", "what's that then?", "A child of course what every woman wants", "so you have kidnapped me because you want me as your daughter?", again she starts laughing "no you stupid girl!, I want you to give us a child you see the reason we can't have kids is because of me, I had to have a hysterectomy quite a long time ago and was told I couldn't ever have children!", "your crazy I won't do that not ever", "you will have no choice in the matter and will do as your told young lady this is my only option and nothing is going to get in the way to stop it from happening!, your in this house in the middle of nowhere no one will ever find you hear!", I really start to panic I start screaming for Sean "help me please Sean, don't let her do this too me please!", she walks back over to the chest of drawers and takes out a key to unlock the bottom drawer she pulls out a black box and opens it revealing syringes and some liquid "I told you didn't I that if you couldn't behave then I have no choice other than to punish you, no what I think you need is a good nights sleep, your gonna need it as tomorrow the baby producing will commence!", "you are one sick lady do you know that" I scream at her she then injects me and I fall into a heavy sleep.

🤷🏼‍♀️ was you expecting that one? Don't forget to leave some comments good and bad 👍🏻

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