Chapter 18

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Cleo's POV
Im currently waiting in a clinical room to be tested to make sure I've got no STD's a lady calls my name I follow her into the room. "Hi Cleo my name is Lisa and your here today for me to run some tests on you, could you read this consent form and sign at the bottom to accept your happy for me to run these tests? If their is any questions you need to ask feel free".  I nod my head and take the clipboard from her and read through the 2 pages and sign at the bottom handing the clipboard back to her. "Do you have any questions you would like to ask Cleo?", "No I don't" I reply. Ok if you could slip into this gown leaving your underwear off that the bathroom is just through that door". She hands me the gown and I head into the bathroom stripping off I put on the gown and head back out. "Ok if you would just lay on the bed and place your feet together and knees apart il just get a couple of swabs", oh wow I feel totally embarrassed but do as I'm asked she only take a couple of minutes then says "that's it all done, no if you could just do a water sample for me then your all done", I take the pot from her and head back into the bathroom to get back changed and to do the water sample I head back out and she takes the sample from me I take a seat back on the chair. She walks over to the sink and places a stick into the pot around a minute later she throws the sample and the sink removing her gloves comes back over to the desk she takes a seat sitting opposite me "Cleo other than the man who took advantage of you, have you had any other sexual partners?", I shake my head "no I haven't", "ok Cleo now not to panic you because you do have options here but your pregnant!". I can't quite take in what she just said and I asked her to repeat "sorry what did you just say again?", "Cleo your pregnant!, please don't worry if you don't wish to have this baby it would be perfectly normal and we can arrange for you to have an abortion". I sit there for what felt like forever my mouth wide open my face totally in shock I really can't take in what she's saying too me. "Cleo, do you need some time would you like to go home and think about what you wish to do?", I looked into her eyes my eyes welling up and just nodded at her and left the Surgery. Not knowing what to do I headed straight to Lucy's totally shocked, upset and not quite knowing what I should do!.

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