6: What's It Gonna Be?

Start from the beginning

Seeing her this way; I'm petrified right now.

She stops looking at me and glances at Jade, who wore an amused expression. "S'not me that has done somefin' to her. It's her that's done somefin' to me," she says.

"Leigh has never been like this!" I shout, regretting it immediately. My eyes widened when I saw the angry look on Jade's face. She looks as if she'd strike me.

"Then there's somefin' new you've learned 'bout ya friend, Perrie," she tilts her head to the side as she spoke. She then looks back at Jesy, who glares daggers at her.

"Ooh, if looks could kill, I'd be deep under right now, Jesy," she says with a smile in her voice. "If you hurt her, I will kill you," she almost growls. If it weren't for the situation, I would've found that arousing. Instead, I'm worried that her bravery will kill her.

Jade hums, making her way over to Jesy. "Y'know killing runs in the family, right?" Jesy gives her confused mixed with angry look, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Oh, ya haven't heard? Remember when you came here by yourself and had to live with that woman from the program?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" Jade chuckles darkly, "Well, first, after you moved away, I might've paid her a li'le visit."

Jesy furrows her eyebrows before she gasps. "You crashed her car?" Jade shakes her head, "Nope. I cut her brakes."


Jade glances back at me, then Leigh-Anne then her cousin with an unreadable expression. "Did you forget what she's done to you?" Her tone sounded angry.

Jesy frowns and for the first time, it looks as if she'd cry, "No, I didn't forget."

"So, you understand why it had to be done," Jesy nods then hangs her head. "I also heard that Joseph had went on and killed yer mam for sendin' ya away to live with that vile woman."

Jesy's head shot up, a horrified expression on her face. "What?" Jade nods, "Yep. And afterwards, somehow tracked yous dad down and slit his throat. Kinda like how I did our friend, Andre over there."

Jesy looks behind me then back at her younger cousin. "Joey isn't like that. He wouldn't hurt a fly," Jesy sounded so distraught with this information.

"If you make it out of here alive, you should look it up." Jesy and I shoot each other worried glances. "I-If we make it out alive?" I asked, shaking.

I feel Leigh throw an arm around me before giving me a kiss on my cheek. The gesture no longer felt as sweet as she used to.

She's not as sweet as she used to be.

"Hey, Pez, remember that case involving that couple that killed everyone associated with them before one of them killed their lover?" Leigh asked, ignoring what I said. I nod slightly, trembling too much.

"Well, that's what we're going for. Only we're not going to get caught like she did," she moves from me to stand in front of me. "There were many flaws in their actions," she says.

"Exactly. One, they only killed two people they didn't know while everyone else had a connection with them. Two, despite their best efforts, they still left behind evidence. That's how the survivin' lover got caught," Jade lists off.

"And when she fled, she didn't go very far or changed her name," Leigh scoffs and shakes her head. "Idiot. Now, she's on Death Row."

"Wh-who is she?" I asked, failing to steady my voice.

"The infamous Camila Cabello," Leigh says with a smile. "She's deemed the youngest serial killer of the decade, but my baby over there changed that."

"But the only ones that know that are us," Jade chuckles, looking over all of us. "That if, you both join us."

"Hell no! I'm not taking part in your sick games! You're fucking mad!" Jesy shouts. Leigh snatches the knife from Jade's hand and storms over to her.

She gets behind her and brings the weapon to her neck, causing her to stiffen. "No! Don't hurt her! Please!" I sob out.

Leigh then leans into her ear and says audibly, "Y'know, that's what that lad over there said. You see where that landed him, don't you?" She smoothes her hair back like she's done me earlier.

Jesy stays still, gulping while flaring her nostrils. "Now, if you value your life then you'll do as we say," she stands straight, still holding the knife to her throat.

"Maybe you'd find your own insani'y and take on your own murders," Jade shrugs casually. I shake my head in disbelief, "Why are you doing this?"

Jade pouts at me, "Well, we care about you both."

"And I don't wanna kill my bestest friend," Leigh says, moving to stand by Jade's side.

"Or me cousin."

I swallow, my throat now arid. It's scary how they could look so innocent with blood all over them. It's like I'm living in a horror film.

"Didn't he agree to help you kill Jed? Yet, you still killed him," Jesy says calmly, despite the fear I know she has. Leigh taps her chin with the knife, looking at her.

"Because he lied about something very serious," she explains. "Something I'm not gonna talk about." The spacious room goes dead silent, though, I'm sure they could all hear my erratic heartbeat. 

I feel like I might go into cardiac arrest.

"So, what's it gonna be?" Leigh asked, looking between us both.

I turn my attention to Jesy, who's looking at me with a troubled look. I take a deep breath as she talks to me with her eyes. I try to calm my erratic heart, freaking out.

I never thought I'd be in this situation. Ever.

Jesy nods very slightly; I'm sure if I weren't watching her so intently, I would've missed it. She looks up at the deranged girls and so do I.

I licked my dry lips, too afraid to speak at the moment.

"Okay. We'll join you."

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