"Shay..." Lucas sighed, rolling his head back on his shoulders. "Don't you think he would like to know about what Julien did? It was serious, he-"

"He doesn't need to know anything." I shook my head, breaking out of his arms.

"You're not being fair here Shay-"

"He doesn't need to know something that will only make him angry! What happened is in the past. I'm leaving it there."

Lucas grabbed my forearm as I attempted, for the second time, to walk away.

"I thought the past should be left there too. I guess you can say I'm having a change of heart. I don't necessarily like Niall or enjoy his company but it's clear that he cares for you madly and is worried. That's why he came to me."

"Please." I begged him to stop talking, rubbing my sore temples. Yet another headache was emerging and my stomach was aching. "He doesn't need to know."


Niall's POV

My anger hadn't subsided as I stomped down the steps, heading one floor at a time down to the ground floor of Lucas's building. I decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator, blowing some steam off on the way down.

How was I supposed to leave Shay's past alone? I had the bloody right to know what I was getting myself involved in. It was stupid of him to tell me to leave it be, it only made me want to know more.

By the time I made it into the lobby I was fuming all over again. I wanted to put my fist through something, but then a better idea sparked my conscious. I wanted to drink.

I wanted to consume so much alcohol it blurred my memory. The plan I had suddenly conformed, was to throw back as many glasses of whiskey I could possibly take until I couldn't handle another drop. Once I had an idea like this in my head there was no stopping it. It was my inner frat boy emerging, years of partying too much for my own good resulted in me having the need to drink when my emotions became too much to handle.

I walked slowly through the desolate lobby, but my feet skidded to a halt when I saw Tina crouched over a small table in a separate room. Groaning as I stared up at the ceiling, I shook my head quickly before turning and walking towards the glass room against my better judgement. Twisting the handle, I stepped into the room and carefully closed the solid glass door behind me. Jesus Christ, this place was like the Ritz.

"What are you doing in here?" She sniffled, dabbing a bunched up Kleenex under her nose. I rolled my eyes and took a seat at the opposite end of the table, drumming my knuckles on the surface.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm crying, can't you tell?" She smirked, shaking her head as more tears fell. I noticed the box of tissues were beside me, so with a flick of the wrist I pushed it across the table towards her. She mumbled a 'thanks' and yanked a few more free from the cardboard.

"So what's the deal with you and dickhead?" I asked, pulling a loose coin from my pocket and flicking it into the air.

Tina frowned at me, pressing her fingernails into the glass tabletop roughly.

"I should have known he was screwing some dumb bimbo. A young one, too. God, I am so stupid to believe-"

"Hold up." I held my hand up to stop her, placing the coin back in my jeans pocket. "You and Lucas have a thing?"

She nodded slowly, biting into her chapped lip and pushing jet black hair behind her ears. I noticed how red and puffy her cheeks were from crying. Which made me feel like shit knowing Shay's were probably the same.

Disastrousजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें