
They all giggled. It felt like half of her home is back. All that's left is for the others to come back. And she had no idea what they were doing, what unit they were in, where they were stationed, what MOS they had.

No one told her anything. Even when half the boys just came back, no one dared to mention anything to her. For reasons.

Eun-ha had a hard time trying to visit them while they were enlisted during these past two years since her schedule piled up. She was all alone, trying to make a name for herself. It was tough. She had so many jobs that were too much for her but she pushed forward.

She asked herself; "What could Rha Eun-ha do without BTS? Who would she be without BTS?". It really hurt her that she got most of the world's attention because of her being with them.

Eun-ha needed to make a name for herself. And well, hard work pays off.

But that didn't change the fact that she missed her brothers. And her boyfriend. Well, fiance.

Few days later of them trying to get back to the hang of things, Eun-ha introduced the boys to the cat she had to keep her company for the past two years. But of course, Eun-ha didn't let her mess in the house. Just cuz she lived alone for a while.

It was a pain in the ass but she managed to keep everything clean. Whenever she had the time or Jun has the time and gets the Pack to help.

For some odd reason, Jimin and Mong Mong somewhat bonded. Jimin even let the cat sleep with him. Kyu-yoon was still Jungkook's favorite, Nam-joon and V loved the cat.

Ho-seok, Jin and Yoon-gi were left. And Eun-ha couldn't help but get a little too excited and more exhausted for that matter. She kept thinking about them even while on the job.

But little did she know, her brothers were already planning for their return.

Eun-ha was a bit sulky for not receiving anything from Yoon-gi but she knew that he was busy. But a letter would've been nice.

The first week of March, Eun-ha received a job from a modeling agency. She wasn't aware of what it will be but she just kept taking jobs.

"You're gonna have to try really hard on this job. They're a sponsor from XXX magazine so if you want to advertise yourself here, keep going. Just don't exhaust yourself okay? I know you miss them and well, I've been watching you for the past two years. Do know that a lot of things have changed.", said Jun as he stirs the wheel. "And half of BTS already came back. Just be a little more patient."

Eun-ha groans and leans her head against the window, burying herself on the seat with her arms crossed. The seat belt was almost choking her too. "I know. But I still can't help it. What is this job anyways? If you talk highly about it, it's not just some modeling gig ya?"

"Uh... Photoshoot for the brand XXX. Ya know, they're popular for making high quality wedding dresses. I guess they wanted to collaborate with a celebrity like you. It was surprising that they even offered.", Jun spoke. There was a hint of nervousness in his voice but Eun-ha was too distracted to notice it.

Eun-ha lets out a sigh and leaned her head against the window, frowning and pouting. "Ah. One of those. So, shoot's gonna take a while to finish?"

"Yeah. And I think the final shoot's on the 9th. They need to fit you first into a dress I guess which takes a while. So for today, it's just fitting. Then give them two days or so. And we're all set. You're getting a lot from this too and if the responses are positive, even better.", Jun grins.

Right... Better... But then again, it's all just work, work and work.


I feel like I'm not working hard enough. I am proud of myself for debuting in the US and made a name for myself there. But if I become really busy, I can't even hang out with them? Then what's the point of me being-

"Eun-ha. Positivity. You're almost there okay. Besides, if you're not doing your best, Min Yoon-gi's probably gonna give you a scolding when he gets back whenever that is.", Jun gives her a light nudge on her shoulder with his fist before retracting it back to the brakes.

Eun-ha smiles and turns to him, nudging him back. "Ah I swear. I don't know how you deal with it. Hyo-rin's been busy too no?"

"She's been. Every night if she doesn't come home, she always messages me or puts me in videocalls with her.", he said with a small smile. Even after all this time, he was still bashful whenever it comes to Hyo-rin. Unless the two of them are alone.

Eun-ha had to witness them all over each other one time when Eun-ha forgot her windbreaker in his office and she walked in on them. It was embarrassing for Jun. Hyo-rin and Eun-ha enjoyed it though.

"Ah. I swear. If I could picture an ideal couple, it's the two of you. Hyo-rin really balances out your idiotness.", said Eun-ha as she averts her gaze to the side with a sly grin.

"You know I could just kick you out of the car and make you walk to the job site.", Jun's expression went blank yet annoyed. Comically.

Soon, they arrived at the site. It was a store. Rather, a big one with all sorts of displays of wedding dresses everywhere. What surprised her the most was her members being there too. Jungkook, Nam-joon and Jimin were there. 

No. There was more.

"Hope-hyung?! Tae?", Eun-ha smiles.

Ho-seok and Tae-hyung turned around and smiled at her. "Ah! Eun-ha! There you are!"

"What the- why is everyone here all of the sudden? Where's Jin-hyungie and hyung?", Eun-ha jogs towards them and hugs them. "Jeez. You all are showing up out of nowhere. I'm gonna die of a heart attack if you guys keep doing that. When did you guys get released?"

"Uh, me, two days ago.", Tae gives her a peace sign.

"Yesterday for me! Heck, I was stuck at the airport for so long that I slept there the whole day and even on the plane ride. I was too excited.", Hope chuckles. "How you been? I've heard the details from Jun-ssi."

"I've been fine but what are all of you doing here? I'm here for a fitting for a photoshoot on the 9th.", Eun-ha nods to the staff of the store and approaches the reception counter but Jun stops her and said he'll take care of it.

"Well... We're doing the shoot with you silly!", Hope claps his hands and then ends up cupping his mouth. "I guess we're modelling with you!"

Eun-ha raises a brow and looks at them with suspicion. "Uh huh...", she puffs her cheeks and then two staff members came out of the back room with pouches for measuring Eun-ha's sizes and all of that sorts.

While Eun-ha was distracted, the members stared at Hobi for almost spilling the details. It was too close for comfort to them. Besides, Jin was already in Seoul. He just had to reconnect with his family and takes lots of rest. His ride was horrid. And his battalion sent him off with a party and you can probably guess the possibilities of what happened. 

As for Yoon-gi... His process of going  home was even worst. The area he was in had delayed rides due to the weather. But he'll be there.


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