Ch. 55 - The Magazine

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A/N:(*`▽')_旦 Last LooOoong AsS chapter. I- promise. ヘ(`▽'*)

"Ya Yoon-gi. Why did you choose this place out of all places? This is bringing back weird memories you know.", Eun-ha nudges Yoon-gi's arm with her elbow while she drinks her arizona tea can.

The two of them were sitting on top of the monkey bar, looking up to the starry sky.

"Cuz. It's quiet here.", Suga chugs on his bottle of soju and gasps. "Ah, that's the stuff.", he slouches and swings his legs forward slowly. "So far, this is the only place we can actually be alone with no one to bother us. Our own playground.", he looks up to her sideways and smirks. "Aish, cover up will you."

Eun-ha rolls her eyes and nudges him again. "The twins rip my jacket remember?", she stands up and balances herself on the bars. "The air feels so good!"

"What air?", Suga bluntly spat and raises his hands in the air to feel the wind but there was none.

"We're almost ten feet off the ground. Don't make me push you off.", Eun-ha finishes her giant can and aims for the nearby trash bin. "Three, two, one—", she shoots her can and makes it in. "Yes!", she quietly cheered for herself.

Suga slightly bounces his shoulder in laughter and sighs. "You barely made it."

"Ha? You acting all mighty now Mr. Shooting Guard.", Eun-ha rolls her eyes again and does a funny gesture, trying to imitate Suga's deep voice— in which she somewhat succeeded. Barely.

The black-haired just stared at her in annoyance while finishing up his drink. "Funny.", he effortlessly retracts his arm, holding his bottle then shoots the bottle into the bin without even looking.

"Show off.", Eun-ha crosses her arms and sits next to him, pouting.

"You were showing off too much earlier too. Mine's nowhere close to your type of showing off.", Suga pinches her cheek.

"Ya.", she slaps his hand away in a pouty way. "Stop that. You're making me feel more guilty now.", she frowns and sighs.

Suga turns to her and pulls one knee to his chest while the other leg swing back and forth on the edge of the monkey bar. "Is this about the earring?", he tilts his head to the side while looking at her.

Eun-ha averts her eyes from him and nods. "I should've gave that bitch a harder beating.", she frowns and digs into her pocket, scooping the crumbled pieces of the earring. She looks at it, examining each piece and sighs. "Even if I buy a new one, it's not the same... You gave it to me for my birthday hyung.", she slightly whimpered.

Suga was taken aback from her reaction and saw her eyes water. "You should take off those contacts before crying. You look scary."

"Hmph!", Eun-ha pushes him off the edge.

Don't worry. He lands safely. Suga laughs and scratches his head then dusts himself off. "Ok here's the deal."

"Another deal?", Eun-ha hooks her legs on the bar and drops herself, hanging upside down on the monkey bar. "You sure like a lot of deals hyung."

"Just listen.", Suga rolls his eyes and approaches her. He now stood in front of the upside down Eun-ha and cupped her cheeks, causing her to turn pink under the moonlight. "I'll give you mine.", he takes off his earring and puts it on her left ear. "And you buy me a new one to your liking. How's that sound?"

Eun-ha slightly retracted her head and then sighs while swaying herself back and forth. "Hm... Giving you something so sentimental shouldn't be a problem then.", she smiles and does one big swing to reach his face to give him a peck on the cheek. "It's another deal Mr. Min Yoon-gi."

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