Ch. 78 - Each Other's Presence to the Other

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A/N: ꒰( `꒳')꒱Looooong ass chapter~ ∋━━o(`∀'oメ)~→ Like really LOoOng! Happy belated birthday to our leader RM! I couldn't finish the chapter in time to greet him!

Eun-ha was walking barefooted on the wet sand as she talks with the injured stingray from earlier. It was close to dark and the waves were hushed as they poke Eun-ha's feet. "Don't smile at me, light on me. Neoege dagaseol su eopseunikka, naegen bulleojul ireumi eopseo.", she continues the song with humming and looks at the stingray that was in the water. "Good song right?", she lets out a long sigh and shrugs. "The boys are so talented. I can't even write my own song and yet, they include me to sing with them.", she turns to the stingray and her eyes almost came out of her eye sockets after seeing her owl nonchalantly standing on the flat sea animal. "Hotteok, you're a friendly animal aren't cha?", she laughs and squats down.

Maybe she was crazy. Maybe she was just too friendly. But ever since yesterday, she's been talking to animals a lot. She would talk it out with the 95-liners but she felt shy all of the sudden. Maybe because she didn't want to tell one of her boys that she's starting to feel embarrassed when a certain someone looks at her. It's not like this was the first time anyways.

"Come on Kyu. Hotteok's gotta go back.", Eun-ha beckons the owl to hop on her arm.

The owl slightly looks down, feeling a little sad and gently scratches the ray's surface. "Hoo."

"Come on." said Eun-ha again and scoops some water into her cupped hands to wet the animal. She smiles with her brows furrowed and chuckles.

And finally the owl sadly waddles his way up from her arm to her shoulder.

"Bye Hotteok. I really hope that we'll see you soon.", Eun-ha pats the stingray and walks through the water to help him swim to a less shallow spot to make it easier for him. She gives him one last affectionate kiss on the flat animal and then lets him swim away.

The boys gathered around the table outside with their drinks as they watch the dark, starry sky fall and listen to some soft music. Suga's attention was on the small figure of Eun-ha from afar with her owl, taking a walk along the beach. He slowly takes a sip from his beer bottle without his eyes leaving Eun-ha. And till the time hits where everyone decided to head to bed, he stayed, watching her.

She made her way up the slope and puts Kyu-yoon into his cage that was hanging by the bar's pillar. "Omo, speaking of the devil.", she grins and sits down next to the pool and looks at the glowing water. "Should I take that call for JB? I did kind of promise him that I was gonna call him."

Music was still playing and it happened to be The Truth Untold. She was addicted to it. But she hated her involvement with the song. She'd rather have it just Jin, Jimin, Jungkook and Tae. There was no need for her to be a part of it but then again, the boys insisted.

While she listens, she looks at her rippling reflection while slowly kicking her feet underwater. Her crystalline earring twinkled on the water, catching her attention. Her fingers touched the earring and she takes it off to study it on her palm.

The way it glistened made her smile unconsciously. She knew deep down, it was a very important item to her.

A flashback of her old rival Mi-suk appeared in her mind. The heels of the bitch stepped on an earring, crushing it to pieces. It was quite similar to what she has now.

But then, another scene flashed into her mind. A blurry vision of Tae-hyung crying and his cries were slightly deafened. She turns to the side to see her arm laying flat on the ground, dirty and bloody.

Another one quickly flashed as well. It was just a short scene. Suga's sad, betrayed and angry expression that seemed to be yelling at her but she couldn't hear anything. Well, she couldn't remember the words. Then her voice started echoing in her ears.

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